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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALDo you have a question for an evicted HG? Bb12_l13
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 Do you have a question for an evicted HG?

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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Jul 21, 2010 9:30 pm

Ok so tomorrow is eviction time again. Matt and Monet are on the block for eviction. Is there any questions you would like for us to ask either one of these HGs provided that they are evicted? At this point it looks as though Monet will be the one leaving so if you have ANY questions for Monet please post them here! Of course expect the unexpected, If Matt goes and you have a question for him, please feel free to post it here. Thanks!
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 12:05 pm

I am going to top post this so that anyone who has any questions for Matt or any other HG can post them here! With a double eviction on Thursday, we will be submitting 2 sets of questions! Since we have no idea who will be the 2nd HG evicted on Thursday, please feel free to post any question for any HG still left in the house!! Thanks!!
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BB Addict
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 2:25 pm

Question for Matt:
Who was he going to more loyal to in the end Brigade or Ragan?
Who would he have taken to the final two?
Did he ever seriously think of putting Enzo or Hayden up with the DPOV?

Question if another brigader were to leave the house on thrusday:
Why did you turn on Matt when he was the one that won the comps to keep the brigade safe?

Question for Hayden:
Why in Rachel's second HOH did he believe Brendan over Matt, his alliance member, that Matt lied about Brendan telling Matt he was going after the people who dropped out of the surfboard comp?
Why was he so upset with Matt's 1st HOH noms when he knew what the plan was and why didn't he and the other two force the issue with Matt that it was a bad idea if they didn't agree?
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BB Addict
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PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:40 pm

For Matt:
Do you think if you had made it farther in the game your lie about your wife would have hurt you, since people may not want go to the end with you?
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 6:53 pm

question for Matt:

When is his Birthdate?? There was/is much debate about weather he lied about that or not.
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 7:14 pm

sammyf wrote:
question for Matt:

When is his Birthdate?? There was/is much debate about weather he lied about that or not.

Really? That's interesting ... I hadn't heard about this... fans or HGs are wondering if he lied about his age or birthdate?
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PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 7:26 pm

fans I seen it mostly on jokers them discussing if its the actually date. Some people say it was the date just lieing about the age and others sayign he lied completely about the date.
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 10:38 am

Let me bump this up. Dont forget, Matts eviction is just a day away, post your questions for him here! Plus we know Thursday is a double eviction so if anyone has a question for anyone else in the BB house right now, post that here as well.
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BB Lover
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 10:56 am

Matt, why are you such a dumbass? Do you have a question for an evicted HG? 767614
No, seriously.......
Matt, why would you betray Ragan in the end, when he was your biggest ally in the house?
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BB Lover
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 3:47 pm

Do you think your lie bout your wife helped you in the game or hurt you ?

If you would of stayed, Would you have turned on the Brigade and out them?

Do you regret taking out Kathy and not putting Enzo or Brittany on the Block instead?
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 4:01 pm

To Brendon:

It seemed like you and Rachel grew very close extremely quickly, is she the type of girl you would usually be attracted to outside the BB house?

Do you think Rachel was being genuine with her feelings for you or was she just using you to advance in the game?

What was going through your head when Matt pulled out the diamond verto?

To Brittany or Ragan:

You spent a lot of time bashing Rachel and Brendon. Why did you feel so strongly about them?

To Ragan:

You said that Brendon was bullying you, why did you feel that way?

Last edited by leahtahd on Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 4:05 pm

Great questions all!! Keep them coming!!!
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BB Lover
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 6:53 pm

You should ask Matt hwo does he feel about bb not following through with punishments like allowing pretzel messages and have note breaking food restriction.
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 7:00 pm

To Britt or Lane:

If Britt wasn't engaged do you think anything romantic would have developed between the 2 of yoy?
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 7:08 pm

pajamajon wrote:
You should ask Matt hwo does he feel about bb not following through with punishments like allowing pretzel messages and have note breaking food restriction.

Its a good question PJ, but somehow I think they would block that question. Do you have a question for an evicted HG? 680777
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Do you have a question for an evicted HG? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you have a question for an evicted HG?   Do you have a question for an evicted HG? EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 10:58 pm

Question for Brendon ladies:

Do you feel that your relationship with Rachel lead to your eviction or did people really saw you as a strong player that they could not win against at the end of the game?
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