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 Steven's latest blog!

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PostSubject: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 11:38 am

Big Brother 11 Week 7 :: Russell Takes it in the Backdoor
by Steven Daigle
EDGE Contributor
Wednesday Aug 26, 2009

After making my prediction last week that Lydia would be going home I took a lot of heat from the Die-Hard BB fans saying that the house would keep her and send out Nat. I have just three words for you: "Suck it Bitches." On Thursday there was a speedy POV- - Jordan beat Michelle in a tie breaker and decided to not change nominations. Then, I was right on the mark when, by a vote of 3 to 1, Captain Unitard made her dramatic exit (only acknowledging Kevin on her way out). Next was the back-breaking HOH wherein Jeff barely beat out Kevin and continued to keep the power on his and Jordan’s side. Are these two unstoppable? On the flip side, although the Nat-Kev-Lyd alliance has dwindled down by one their game play seems to have doubled; Kevin and Natalie have decided to become the deceitful duo and pull one over on Jeff and Jordan.

Basically the plan is to convince JJ (reader, please understand that JJ stands for Jeff and Jordan based on the fact that they have conjoined into a single houseguest - I don’t want to bore you by typing their names out anymore) that Russell was overheard planning to split them up next week. Kevin, in an Academy Award-winning performance, plants the seed in Jeff’s head - who buys it - and thus begins the slow demise of Russell. Now we can break the house down by numbers as it has become a 2 x 2 x 2 game. Originally the plan was for JJ, Russell and Michelle to head to the final 4 together, now as a result of their ever so clever plan, Nat and Kev have separated the 4 into 2s. I feel like I am in the middle of some complicated High School math problem and I forget to carry a digit.

At this point I am really starting to enjoy Kev and Nat’s game play and their symbiotic relationship that has resulted into some pretty kick ass moves. JJ, on the other hand, are beginning to look a little bit like puppets in the Kev and Nat show. I think their hormones are beginning to block their intelligence. While I still love JJ their cutsie showmance has, on more then one occasion, made me throw up a little in my mouth. As things slowly progress I begin to feel as though I am watching a tennis match of bad decisions, back and forth, back and forth. Jeff finally reveals his nominations of Kev and Nat. Poor Nat, that is number 4 for you, girlfriend! Meanwhile I am sitting on my couch with Red Bull in hand hoping for some kind of drama to keep me going.

Finally, the excitement returns to the show and to my pants when I hear Jeff discussing Backdooring Russell (of course it wasn’t the backdooring for which I was hoping). Yes I am going to make that joke because come on, they are both hot and there isn’t a gay man watching this season that hasn’t had a moment where he pictured it. I myself have not only pictured it but imagined the scenario of myself getting backdoored by Jeff, but I digress.

Cut to Paranoid and Mindless, I mean Russell and Michelle talking with each other about how they each need to re-confirm that the final 4 deal is still intact with JJ. I hate to inform y’all, but I believe that ship has sailed, with your chance of winning down in the cargo hold. Michelle, who for some reason can’t seem to keep a story straight or even remember what she said 5 minutes ago, seems totally clueless that Jeff wants to backdoor Rus (pause while remind myself what backdoor means - feel free to do the same, dear reader). Russell seems ever-so-aware of what is going on and when confronted with the fabrication that he wanted to split up JJ, replies as if he has the intelligence of a Defendant on The People’s Court - he mounts the worst possible defense ever. I was screaming at the TV as he confesses that he would like to get Jeff out because he doesn’t stand a chance against him in the final four. Have Kev and Nat just totally taken control of the game or is Russell completely cracking under the pressure? Or both? Let’s get back to the backdooring.

POV begins and we find the houseguestss surrounded by bananas and a giant ape - no Jessie didn’t come back, it is a fake rapping ape with the voice of Casey. At this point in the game I am just torn up about who to cheer on - there are so many houseguests who have made bad decisions or no decisions at all. The competition ends with Jeff winning POV. Wait, didn’t Jordan just win HOH and then POV in that order as well, are these two dominating the house or does everyone else just suck? In the end Jeff does use his POV and as expected he used it to backdoor Russell. Bravo Nat and Kev, you have proven to be a real power, but if you don’t start winning some competitions it is still going to be Adios Amigos. My prediction: (I ain’t even wasting my magic 8 balls time with this easy one) is that Russell will be in the Jury house this time next week bromancing it up with Jessie and discussing their hatred of Jeff. Jeff, you’re playing a good game to get to the end, but your making a lot of enemies along the way who will ultimately decide who gets that half a million. There is my recap and prediction, lets hope next week we get to see a little more drama - in the interim, please indulge in your own backdooring fantasy.

Steven from BB10

Steven is a champion bull rider in the gay rodeo circuit and was a contestant on "Big Brother Season 10."
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PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 2:43 pm

I love it! That was great. Especially the title! Steven's latest blog! 143808
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Steven's latest blog! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 11:15 am

Big Brother 11 Week 8 :: Uncomfortable is the new Awkward
by Steven Daigle
EDGE Contributor
Wednesday Sep 2, 2009

This week had its share of uncomfortable and awkward moments amongst the houseguests, but we have to start with Jeff and Russell. Apparently during the backdooring process Jeff must have forgotten to use any type of lubrication, because Russell is none too happy about the act. Come on Jeff, even Heath Ledger’s character knew to use a little spit when he backdoored Jake Gyllenhaal in Brokeback Mountain - I am sure Russell would have appreciated the same courtesy. The realization that Rus has been outplayed is so apparent on his face you could peel it off like the new Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque (try it, so fantastic it can even peel away the deep disappointment lines from realizing you’ve lost $500,000.)

The uncomfortable begins as they have a very 7th grade fight in the backyard during which Jordan gets called a lap dog and fat as well as the boys talking about beating each other up in the Jury house and/or after the show’s Finale. Since this is a Gay and Lesbian website I feel a duty to discuss some Homophobic comments made by Jeff that were never aired on CBS but have made some big news in our community. Please be aware I have been unable to locate these comments on the 24/7 live feeds flashback for myself but I have researched and found some articles with direct quotes that Jeff made using the word ’fag’ in some extremely negative and derogatory comments towards Rus. For the record I am saying that I feel this is completely uncalled for and superfluous for any type of game play or argument purpose, but I still do not feel Jeff is homophobic by nature. Jeff has been very kind and seems to get along well with Kevin, the openly gay HG. It is this gay man’s opinion he uses these remarks out of ignorance and doesn’t realize the impact his words are having on our community. I do not feel it deserves a bashing party against Jeff, but more importantly merits him being educated about who we are as a community and that he is crossing a line. Now: all that being said, lets get back to the game.

Of course, as I predicted, Russell is sent packing to the Jury house (3-0 vote) where I am sure he wasn’t surprised to walk in and probably see Lydia kissing Jessie’s pink tight-wearing ass, while Jessie stares at himself in a mirror commenting on how buff he is. Russell did have the class to hug and shake everyone’s hand as he walked out the door, kudos for at least being a big man on your way out Rus. As the episode ends we watch the HGs competing to fill a large bowl with chocolate using a tiny cup across a slippery walkway - damn, this one is going to be long and grueling. There was some comic relief as we got to see each one gracefully bust their ass a time or two.

Kevin takes the competition with a huge lead over everyone - finally, a HOH that really knows how to backdoor! But why go to all the trouble when he can just go back on his word and screw Jeff out in the open. Kevin shows some true and genuine emotion when he reads his HOH letter from his boyfriend, who is a hottie BTW, and I now begin to enjoy Kevin on a personal level. Even though Kev and Nat just got done campaigning for a final four deal with Jeff and Jordan, the deceitful duo decide, in the end, that it is best to put Jeff on the block against Michelle because that chick is really showing herself as a good competitor. Jeff doesn’t take the nominations very well and we see a whole new hottie as that stack of chips on his shoulder disappears and he becomes the hunted. As viewers, seeing the Diary Room Sessions, we are all very aware that everything going down is very calculated by Nat and Kev, and they are very comfortable in their continued success at deceiving their fellow HGs.

Next we find ourselves watching JJ talking with each other about how each just wants the other to succeed and Jordan keeps saying that if Michelle wins POV she will certainly go on the block, but she is ok with that cause she should go home and let Jeff win it. Honey, Sweetie, Darling, you are in a game for money, stop playing the sacrificial lamb so your beau can succeed; rolling over and giving up for Jeff is not going to buy you and your mama a new house! Once again, as proven in so many BB seasons past, the showmance is a one way ticket home. POV begins and it is a photo morphing space odyssey with some of the ugliest combinations of houseguests faces ever seen by man or Big Brother viewers. Houston, we have a problem. As the competition ends we see a very ’I immediately regret that decision’ Jeff, because worst case scenario has come to pass and Michelle wins POV. Now the inevitable happens: Michelle removes herself from the block and Kevin puts Jordan in her place. Was the pleasure of backdooring Russell worth what has unfolded or was Jeff’s fate sealed either way? Only the Big Brother Gods can answer that $500,000 question.

This week’s prediction is a tough one, but being two-for-two I am confident in saying that Jeff will be joining the self loving, sadomasochistic, delusional, testosterone-overflowing circus that is the Big Brother 11 Jury House. Part of me is wishing the 24/7 feeds would move to that house so we could see some of the absolutely ridiculous behavior that must be taking place amongst the Jury members - talk about uncomfortable! As the season begins to wind down I will be tuning in and continue to bring you my delightful, yet sexually-riddled recaps and predictions.

For now I gotta make like a fag and blow this joint...
Steven from BB10
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Mechanical Bliss
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PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 12:52 am

Lorraine wrote:
As viewers, seeing the Diary Room Sessions, we are all very aware that everything going down is very calculated by Nat and Kev, and they are very comfortable in their continued success at deceiving their fellow HGs.

Was it really? Or was that BB's editing?

I think even with the edited broadcast, what I saw was N/K trying, out of desperation to manipulate J/J to backdoor Russ, thinking they were succeeding, but in reality, this was nothing Jeff wasn't already prepared to do. Even Russell assumed it would happen.

Nat manipulated J/J into trusting her more than before, and that got the house to evict Lydia (worst move of the season, for me). I will give her credit on that.

Kev manipulated Jeff into thinking that backdooring Russell would earn Jeff safety for the following week and Jeff bought it. BUT, since Jeff was already going to do that, Jeff thought he was actually getting one over on Kevin by taking the deal. Jeff was just stupid to believe that a deal this late in the game would actually mean something.

So, no, I don't think they really calculated and manipulated "everything," but that seems to be the general (mis)perception I see all over the place. I'm just wondering where people are getting this other than a simplified view of the edited broadcast.

Quote :
Was the pleasure of backdooring Russell worth what has unfolded or was Jeff’s fate sealed either way? Only the Big Brother Gods can answer that $500,000 question.

A lot of people have also been calling the Russell eviction one of the biggest mistakes of the season (to me, it was evicting Lydia when they could have backdoored Russell and evicted Natalie as well). At the time, given the information they had, I still think it was their smartest choice.

Jeff's fate was clearly sealed anyway, given that he's perceived to be the strongest player in the house and the previous three HoHs were in his favor. Jeff was the #1 target no matter what, even if Russell had stayed and won HoH himself, IMO.

But I love Steven and his humor. I just dispute these commonly held perceptions by seemingly many other fans. I just don't get it.
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PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Sep 09, 2009 10:47 am

You can’t argue the fact that we have had a very interesting week of Big Brother, but the BB fans may be arguing over whether they like the outcome. We go back to Thursday and the beautiful and bursting out pregnant Julie Chen shows us some very interesting campaigning by Jeff to keep himself in the game. He even offers up a guarantee that next week HOH will be given to Gnat (Gnat has become the enduring nickname for Natalie by all of her NON-fans due to her striking resemblance to a tiny annoying bug that just won’t go away.) In the end his hard campaigning does not pay off and in a tie breaking vote by HOH Kevin he is evicted from the house.

Jeff was a trooper and fought his way right up to the end, even in his last speech to the houseguests he basically begged Gnat for her vote and worked the angle that bringing Kevin to the final two was not a good idea. I have to say that Kevin didn’t take it so well and when he stood up to cast his tie-breaking vote he was visibly shaken and happily told Jeff that he was out despite the "desperate" attempt. Kevin, sweetie, don’t get your feelings hurt; sometimes in this game you are gonna get people who wanna win and will say and do anything to get there, and - oh wait, you already did that. As Jeff stood to leave the house, I was totally drooling with eyes fixated on the screen, kinda like the first time I saw Russell drop his towel and reveal his stunning manhood on the live feeds, wait, where was I, oh ya, Jeff getting up to leave watching for the kiss and it was a peck on the cheek. WHAT?? SERIOUSLY?? Jeff, you had six million people on the edge of their seats waiting to see you seal the deal with Jordan on the sweetheart romance of the summer and you peck her on the cheek. Oh, what a disappointment!

Needless to say last Thursday night’s episode was not so fun to watch, we saw clips from the Jury house where Lydia was falling all over Jessie, Jessie was falling all over himself, Jeff was evicted from the house, Jeff didn’t Kiss Jordan and the cherry on top of this crap-flavored episode is that Natalie won HOH and thus began the Gnat attack. Wait, I forgot to tell you the worst part: after winning HOH, which was basically a total crap shoot Fact or Fiction competition, Gnat ran around the back yard screaming that it was vengeance for Chima. Oh Geez. So let’s try and break this down right quick: she is getting vengeance for Chima who got herself kicked out of the house and left Gnat with one less ally even though Gnat begged her to cooperate with the producers because Gnat needed her in the game but she was so incredibly selfish that she ignored you? Gnat, you are dumb. I wish I had something more clever to say about you but I think just watching you has made me more ignorant.

Moving on, the house has now become oh-so-boring and mundane. Jordan is crying, Michelle is wining, Natalie is lying. It is about as entertaining as being at a funeral. Gnat becomes so power-obsessed, villainous and over-confident that I would dare to say she is reminiscent of a miniature boyish looking Leona Helmsley; memba her from the eighties when she was coined as the ’Queen of Mean?’ Gnat starts out by telling Jordan and Michelle that she is no longer in an alliance with Kevin and she will be putting him up for nominations and those two bought it faster then Paula Abdul at a Vicoden Everything Must Go Sale. I seriously had to pause my TV, leave the room and finish my 5th beer before I could continue watching them dumbly fall for more of her lies. Gnat surprisingly does keep her word and puts up Kevin and Michelle in what has got to be one of the most disgusting Nomination Ceremonies ever when Natalie wears her HOH robe, a Crown on her head, Dark Sunglasses and carries a scepter. Congratulations, Natalie, you have just brought Big Brother down into the lowest bowels of crap TV along side with shows such as The Wendy Williams Show or Sunset Tan.

The same drab atmosphere continues until we get to see Gnat enter the HOH room and there is a new clue for Pandora’s Box. She is offered a short visit with her boyfriend in exchange for giving up her opportunity to play in the Veto Competition. Keep in mind that Kevin is her ally and by removing herself from the Veto competition she has just increased Michelle and Jordan’s chances of winning, but I guess if she is avenging Chima then she looks up to selfish and petty behavior. Things do get a little interesting when she unleashes some annoying characters into the house to make everyone else as uncomfortable as possible so she can get an extra 15 minutes with her boyfriend - now her Fiancé.

Oh, right, I forgot, when Gnat entered the Pandora Box Room her boyfriend greeted her in a sweet tearful, bended knee proposal for marriage and she accepted with so little emotion one would think she had overdosed on Prozac or was just so over botoxed she couldn’t develop an expression on her face. Either way, the result of her proposal acceptance was probably the highlight of the week. Get this: she tries to lie to the other HGs about what had happened in the HOH room while they were being harassed, and her reply is nothing short of hysterical as she could not keep her story straight and was Sweatin like Whitney Houston going through customs as they gave her the third degree. Although it a sweet gesture on her BFs part I think in the end Natalie showed disloyalty to her ally and put doubt in his head about her intentions to take him to the final two. This could be trouble for her.

Power of Veto comes and doing exactly what he needed to do Kevin pushes himself to get the job done and he wins it. Michelle tries really hard and Jordan once again shows us that she just does not have what it takes (I really do like Jordan, but come on maybe "Are You Smarter Then a 5th Grader" might have been a better game for her.) Of course, this means that Kevin takes himself off the block, no help from Gnat, and gets to cast the only vote to decide who leaves. He makes a very difficult, but makes a strategic move and evicts Michelle from the house. As expected, Michelle makes a very graceful and respectful exit and once again I must pause the TV - I now need to open my 10th beer because I have just realized that it is very probably Gnat is going to be in the final 2, I can’t tell you what it is about this girl/boy that I don’t like, but she just gets under my skin and I wanna throw things at the TV when she speaks. Preferably sharp things.

As we leave the houseguests they have begun competition #1 for the final two spot; it is an endurance competition where they must hold on to a key above their heads as a log spins underneath them and they are pummeled by rain, wind and leaves. They are miserable and rightly so for making us endure the last two boring episodes of BB for which they are directly responsible. I have a prediction that Jordan will not have the staying power to last very long, but it would please me to no end to be wrong about that so just maybe Gnat won’t make the final two. We will have to check it out on Thursday to see who will be competing in the Comp and ultimately will end up in the finals where the Jurors will decide the fate of that $500,000. I will be watching with high anticipation on Thursday to see who moves along, but there’s one thing of which I am sure (other then the fact that Jessie loves himself more then anything in the world): this year’s winner won’t be a straight man, something we couldn’t say this time last season. Is that a victory? Hmm.

Stay tuned!
Steven From BB10

Steven is a champion bull rider in the gay rodeo circuit and was a contestant on "Big Brother Season 10."
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Mechanical Bliss
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Steven's latest blog! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Sep 09, 2009 11:43 am

Steven's funny as usual.

Lorraine wrote:
...Jordan once again shows us that she just does not have what it takes (I really do like Jordan, but come on maybe "Are You Smarter Then a 5th Grader" might have been a better game for her.)

That might be a little too tough and embarrassing a show for her too. Seriously, I don't recall seeing anyone do so poorly in a skill comp like that. Of course it was heavily edited to play up her stupidity, and we never really saw how she did exactly, but it was pretty clear she was clueless. I can't say I immediately recalled every clue, but she actually experienced BB first hand and I had more instant recall on those facts than she did. She was just stumped.

Two things:
1. This is what happens when they recruit HGs who have no knowledge of the game. A competition like this is completely expected and many of those things you should know you need to know (order of evictions, HoHs, vetoes, etc.). This seemed to be a total surprise for Jordan.

2. This just shows how awful the F3 is and how obviously Jordan doesn't deserve to be there at all, as likable as she may be sometimes. She got dragged by Jeff and when he left it just shows how helpless she really is. Someone who failed this badly deserves to lose--and actually deserved to be evicted weeks ago.
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PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Sep 09, 2009 12:05 pm

I totally agree about the recruits. I always felt like the HG's should be fans of the show. I guess Cbs wants to keep the eye candy for ratings but i'm quite sure that out of the bajillions of people that apply they can find 12 people that dont look like Even if they did have to recruit they should only be a few and the majority of the hg's should have BB knowledge.
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Steven's latest blog! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyWed Sep 09, 2009 1:43 pm

Quote :
Two things:
1. This is what happens when they recruit HGs who have no knowledge of the game. A competition like this is completely expected and many of those things you should know you need to know (order of evictions, HoHs, vetoes, etc.). This seemed to be a total surprise for Jordan.

couldnt agree more and if you listened to our show last night, I talk about that very thing that Jordan was recruited and did not try out and why dont they just let fans of the show who REALLY want to be there audition and cast that way. She clearly had no idea how to play this game. Crazy James was plucked off the street as was Brian and I dont believe that either one of them was a fan or had even SEEN the show before.
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PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyTue Sep 15, 2009 2:00 pm

Big Brother 11 Week 10 :: Jordan is a Baller
by Steven Daigle
EDGE Contributor
Tuesday Sep 15, 2009

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What happened to all the cool players? Ah, Jeff and Michelle, we hardly knew ye.
So here it is: the culmination of another Big Brother Summer all about to happen and is anyone really happy about the outcome? This mildly amused (devastatingly handsome) and slightly interested viewer couldn’t have more of an apathetic disposition when it comes to the final 3. This was totally an explosive season of Big Brother with some twists and turns none of us could have seen coming. We found a hunk we could drool over and fantasize about having him tending to our gardens as well as watched a destroyed, denied and dismissed Diva who has got be sitting in front of her TV with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and a side of regret.

We saw some extremely high tense fights that could possible rank right up there with a good UFC match, which reminds me we got see Russell the Love Mussel getting backdoored by Jeff and is still considered the biggest mistake of the summer, although it has made for some great dirty comedy. Russell was a wronged player this summer and I know I hated to see him shuffled off to the Jury house, but I have no shame in saying on Tuesday when I meet him, I will for sure be asking him if he wants to take a ride on My Disco Stick, maybe just as a consolation prize.

Back to our final three and their uninteresting lives. After Michelle left the house it seemed there was immediately a very strange dynamic in the house and I don’t know how to put my finger on it - maybe in it, but not on it. These three just seem like such unlikely and undeserving finalists. Natalie is still lying and deceiving even though it is just down to the three of them; I just don’t get her, does she really think it is going to be to her advantage to continue fooling Jordan, at this point I am certain she just lies for sport. Jordan, as sweet as she is, just seems like she is as clueless as the day she walked in the house which makes me feel bad for her but at the same time, what the F is she doing in the final three? Kevin, who at this point is probably the best "game" player left in the house, just doesn’t do it for me, I can’t seem to get happy about wanting him to win and trust me I have tried but even the Jack Daniels/Vicoden smoothie isn’t working so I am hunting a new cocktail for Tuesday night, any suggestions?

So let’s recap, Michelle is out the door and the HGs have started an endurance competition which is the first in a series of three that will determine who is sitting in front of this year’s unusually strange and self-adoring Jury. They are grasping at a key above their heads and trying to remain on their feet as giant log spins under them. Of course Kevin is our victor and to no surprise, I am sure this isn’t the first giant log on which Kevin has spent all night. Our sweetheart Jordan was the first to fall because as we have seen time and time again the girl just can’t hang. What does this mean? Well basically it gets a little confusing now, so I will try and explain it as if you are Jessie and I am the steroid dealer.

Since Kevin won the first competition he does not take part in the second; only Jordan and Natalie will compete in comp number 2. The winner of that will then compete in a third and final comp against Kevin, and the winner of Comp 3 will become the new HOH and decide who gets evicted and who goes to the final 2 with her (yes I said her, come on now the closest thing in the house left to a him is Natalie.) Are you confused? If so don’t worry about it because like I already said, none of them deserve it anyway so basically at this point it is kinda like the end of bad sex, you can’t wait for it to be over and you keep wishing Jeff was still there.

So now it is time for competition number two which is oh so important; I do have the strange feeling that Jordan is just going to let me down... again! Basically the gist of it is this: rolling some balls up to a hole, the balls have the names of the former HOH’s from this season and you must get them in the correct order of their reign. Turns out Jordan is really fantastic at handling the Houseguests’ balls because she pulls it out and Kicks the Gnats Ass. I definitely would say it did bring some happy to my face to see her win this one and a little happy to my pants because I kept getting to talk about Jeff’s balls. Ok, ok, ok, no more ball jokes, but come on, who doesn’t love a good ball joke?

So where do we go from here? Tuesday night’s episode will be Kevin and Jordan battling it out for the top position (guessing this is the first time Kevin has battled to be on top, but thats just my opinion.) Lets run a couple scenarios and try to figure out exactly what we want to happen. Obviously we don’t want Natalie to win, I swear after last weeks prediction that I wrote I was certain I was going to get some hate mail from Natalie’s fans, NOT ONE! Could anyone be as disliked as this girl (except for Jessie of course.) I am going to be rooting for our girl Jordan to win; I really would like to have her making the decisions, I know she will take Kevin to the final 2 because she really doesn’t know how to strategize and her decision will just be based on the fact that she doesn’t like Natalie. If Kevin wins I haven’t a clue what his decision will be, he has such a hard time making up his mind and simply goes back and forth all the time, he is so like a woman (LOL, I just made myself giggle). He does have a lot to weigh in on because there are so many variables with the jury - no telling how those crazy bitches will vote. Typically it should be based on how well you played the game, but I am afraid this year the voting is going to be extra-personal.

There is one exciting turn of events, because of our favorite HG, Chima, getting expelled from the game we all, as in America, get to cast the 7th Jury vote. I for one will be casting a vote or two online and I am not ashamed to say that it will be for Jordan. I don’t think she has played a very good game, and far she is the least deserving to win the money based on her performance, but hey, she is cute, broke and I am a sucker for the one on the bottom. Oh wait... did I get that wrong... is it I am a bottom that sucks, or a sucker that bottoms..., anyway I think you get the picture. If not let me know and I will email it to you. No matter who you want to win be sure you watch Tuesday’s two hour finale - you will see some old friends in the studio audience, possibly yours truly!

Hope you have enjoyed my take on the latter half of Big Brother 11. Please let me know what you think and if you would like to have me back next season, because, y’all did hear, CBS confirmed that there will be a Big Brother 12 - YEAH!!!!

Until next Year...
Steven from BB10

Steven is a champion bull rider in the gay rodeo circuit and was a contestant on "Big Brother Season 10."
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PostSubject: Re: Steven's latest blog!   Steven's latest blog! EmptyTue Sep 15, 2009 2:13 pm

Lorraine wrote:
so basically at this point it is kinda like the end of bad sex, you can’t wait for it to be over and you keep wishing Jeff was still there.

Hilarious! I just wanted to mention that I love Steven! Steven's latest blog! 448191
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