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 BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11

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PostSubject: BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11   BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11 EmptyTue Jul 21, 2009 7:40 pm

Read the Article and you will see in the 2 paragraph he talks about Chima! So he is the reason why this Chaotic woman is in the house!

Big Brother 11 Week 1 :: In Full Effect
by Marcellas Reynolds
EDGE Contributor
Wednesday Jul 15, 2009

summer I can feel it coming like a weird storm on the horizon. It
begins with increased traffic at my website and forum, many new friend
requests at my Facebook & MySpace pages and of course requests for
interviews. It includes emails from the producers about how and if I’d
like to be involved. There’s also a spike in fans of the show
approaching me in public, which I love. It’s like people forget about
it for 7 or 8 months then all of a sudden Bam! ’Aren’t you Marcellas
from Big Brother?’ Yeah for better or worse, I am.

I generally
try to stay away from most things Big Brother. People say ’we know
you’re over it.’ I’ll never be over it. It’s an experience that is a
huge part of who and what I am. It’s not something to get over. It’s
just something that I did. For many ex-house guests it’s the biggest
thing they have done or achieved. Seasons and years later they are
still holding chats, going to reality conventions or even trying to
create shows based on Big Brother. That’s sad. You have to find new
challenges and successes! Nothing is sadder than the proverbial ’Glory

Yet here I am covering Big Brother 11.

Why don’t I
speak to most ex-house guests? Simply because it’s usually about drama,
regrets and recriminations. All that is based in melancholy and living
in the past. I like to look forward. And I don’t need to fight on the
Internet or some forum about some innocuous thing I said in an
interview. It’s not forwarding anything important like word peace or
raising my followers on Twitter. That is a joke people though I am
addicted to Twitter!

This season I have an additional reason to
watch Big Brother. One of the house guests is my very good pal, Chima.
Several months ago she approached me about doing the show. I sent a few
emails and voila! Look who’s on! Gosh I hope she does well.
In 10
seasons there has never been an African American winner of the series.

can’t the gays and the ethnics win Big Brother? There is a story there
and I will use this weekly column to examine that. I also want to
examine why it seems a woman cannot beat a man if they are in the final
two. See? Big Brother isn’t just about hooking up and laying out in the
California sun. There are some potent, socially relevant questions that
can be asked. Not just how big are Jessie’s quads really or are there
more naked pics of Braden on the Internet?

So my mission this
series is to examine the social importance of a show like Big Brother
and in a way all reality shows. Why do we watch (and love) them? Why
are they the only genre expanding on TV when most others like hour-long
dramas are dwindling? I want to look at how race and sexuality play out
in the house and in the game. And I want to know who is hooking up and
who is an idiot and who is gonna walk away with a half million dollars!

3 episodes in and this is what we’ve seen so far: This summer is all
about ’The Cliques’ like back in high school. I get it. With movies
like High School Musical and Fame and shows like Glee and Gossip Girl,
I see where the producers got that idea. Interesting. And there are
always cliques in the house.

So 12 strangers go in. My 1st
impressions: Braden is hot. So is Jeff. I would like to marry Jeff. He
plays touch football with his pals. That’s hot. Jordan you are no Amy
(season 3). Much like 7-Up, never had it never will. Robbie is the kind
of Big Brother fan that scares me. I can’t imagine living with him. It
would be like living with someone that runs a blog or forum about the
show and past house guests and wears their I <3 Big Brother tee all
the time. Oh wait his name is Ronnie. Right. Kevin is really colorful
and seems really gay. Bravo! I like that. Kevin is a warrior. I applaud
gay men that live their life out and proud. Forget that straight acting
appearing crap. I’ll take the over-the-top gay every time. It takes
balls, courage to be true to yourself and let the word see who you are.

any one hate the contrived "giving the house guests their key" surprise
montage? After 11 seasons it’s enough. Just bring them to LA, and put
them in the house already.

I couldn’t live with Lydia. That much
ink is a bad choice. What the hell she gonna do for a living at like
40? Russell is cute. What can I say, I love a meat-head. Hopefully he
will surprise us and be more than just the buff guy. I kinda like
Laura. She reminds me of Lisa the winner from Season 3. Look for her to
fly under the radar and get really far. The rest are just filler until
you get to the twist.

The twist: Several past house guests got
calls this summer about doing a return appearance. Said calls were
vague about whether we’d be inserted back in as a normal guest, if
there would be more than one of us, if it would be a comp to get back
in... In the end many of us passed (most because the money per week
wasn’t enough.) If you’ve done it twice like I have you know winning is
a long shot so you need to make it worth my while for time spent. Note
to producers for next time: Much like L’Oreal I’m worth it. You pay for
what you get.

The 13th house guest returning is Jessie. I love
him. He’s hot. And yes he’s sort of a meat-head. And he can be a bully.
But if you look past the bravado you see a nice guy trying to do what’s
right and figure it (life) out. The bigger part of this twist is the
house is divided into high school cliques: the Athletes, the Brains,
the Popular and ’the Offbeats’. One guess where Kevin is. Had I been in
the house this season I would have been a popular. That’s what I was in
high school though I was lost in the closet.

So the HoH
competition was a competition to bring the former house guest back into
the house. It was called The Wedgie and the rules were too convoluted.
The past 4 house guests who agreed to compete to play again are Cowboy
(Season 5), Jessica (Season 8) and Brian and Jessie (Season 10). They
called this the Big Brother Do Over. Wasn’t that All-stars? If the
clique won HoH then the returning house guest would be HoH. Ingenious
actually because it makes the returning house guest immune. Go figure
that the Athletes won in an endurance competition. Yea Jessie is back!
Let the gun show begin. I feel sorry for Cowboy. He keeps trying to go
back and it just doesn’t work.

Jessie is the HoH. Jessie
nominates Chima and Lydia for eviction. Chima is a pawn. Yeah right. I
think his noms were stupid to piss off one person from 2 cliques. I
would have put up 2 from the same then if the Power of Veto were used
put up another from the same clique if possible. I re-watched the 2nd
episode twice and can’t tell if he had to put up one person from
separate cliques. The Athletes do have a secret Alliance with the
Brains and this is why Chima is nominated. Word of advice to Chima:
Girl shut up! You talk too much and brag about your life too often. A
little of that goes a long way... towards getting you bounced!

is devastated and crying instead of staying focused on winning the
Power Of Veto. Laura feels like she’s being targeted because she’s
pretty. Ummm... Sorry she isn’t. She doesn’t even rank where past
beauties like Lisa, Janelle, Ashlea, and Carol are concerned. The
Athletes are questioning Hot Ass Jeff’s loyalty and bring Laura in to
their side. Braden should have been on the Offbeats. He’s annoying. And
that damages his hotness. You can see him NAKED on Dante’s Cove. Not as
hot as Jessie’s nude pics but very good.

Russel wins the POV in
a stupid messy competition. The Athletes don’t believe they can trust
Jeff anymore because they see him spending too much time with Jordan.
Russel then decides to publicly attack Jeff who is on his team! It’s so
stupid! The faultiest strategy ever. Did he run it by the brains or the
rest of The Athletes? This leads to a public fight where the entire
strategy is laid out! Stupid! Especially since he can’t be nominated
this week! Ridiculous.

Ronnie over-plays his "Persuasive
Speaking" awards by cutting deals and talking too damn much and Russel
figures this out. Since Russel holds the PoV he wants to use it to get
rid of either Braden (he’s popular and well liked) or Ronnie (he’s just
icky in that Josh Season 3, Eric Season 8 weasely sort of way). At the
PoV meeting he uses the veto to save Lydia. Yep I don’t get it either.
Does Jessie then put up Ronnie? Nope he puts up Braden.

So my
eviction prediction? It’s a toss up. Chima has made some enemies by
talking too much. Braden is well-liked and a very physical competitor.
If it were me I’d ax Braden. But Chima is a brain and it might be smart
to take out a smart person, though she’s not acting very bright...
Until next week readers, I’ll be watching!

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BB Addict
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BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11   BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11 EmptyWed Jul 22, 2009 2:44 pm

Marcellas was Big Brother 3. :) And that isn't shocking..they're both whiney bitches.
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Mechanical Bliss
BB Lover
BB Lover
Mechanical Bliss

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Join date : 2009-08-01

BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11   BB3 Marcellas bloggin' about BB11 EmptySat Aug 01, 2009 10:40 pm

pajamajon wrote:
One of the house guests is my very good pal, Chima.
Several months ago she approached me about doing the show. I sent a few
emails and voila! Look who’s on! Gosh I hope she does well.

Now that's interesting information.

Also, according to one of the Braden video interviews I saw, he knows Nathan from season four, although I don't know if Nathan "sent a few emails" too or just encouraged him to try out for the show though.

IMO, I'm not keen on HGs being cast who know previous HGs. Certainly you can't do all that much to prepare because that's the nature of the BB game, but it still can be advantageous to be advised by a former HG (and apparently to be pushed to producers by a former HG). It's one of the main failures of BB casting to do this sort of incestuous casting of fame whores who do reality television who know other fame whores who want to do reality television. In reality it should be a diverse cast of genuine people.

This also brings up the relationship/non-relationship of Jessie and Casey. Obviously it wasn't much if Casey got backdoored. But it did raise a lot of eyebrows that BB would cast someone they almost certainly knew met with another HG. It just doesn't look good, if just from the perspective of preserving some sort of integrity of the BB game, when 3 HGs this year know (albeit to different degrees) previous HGs. And it really doesn't look good if they stick that previous HG in the new season along with the new HG.
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