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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Keesha   Keesha EmptySat Sep 06, 2008 5:38 am

Keesha Keesha10
Keesha Smith

Age: 29
Hometown: Burbank, CA via Sterling, OH
Occupation: Waitress
Marital Status: Single

Keesha is a blond bombshell originally from Sterling, OH. She graduated from high school and came out to Los Angeles to pursue a career in modeling. She now works at Hooters, which she loves. Keesha considers Hooters an important part of her life. She has been featured in Hooters calendars and aspires to become part of the management team. She loves animals and has a Shih Tzu named Gizzmo and is a proud member of PETA. She doesn't eat red meat and her favorite food is pizza hands down.

She is very close with her mother and has a good relationship with her dad. Her parents are her heroes and she describes them as strong, good people. She loves to watch baseball and like any girl, loves to shop. Her favorite movie is "Thelma and Louise," she loves "The Golden Girls" on television and likes all kinds of music.

Her proudest accomplishment is leaving home, moving to California by herself not knowing a sole, and establishing a life for herself. She is most ashamed that she dated a friend's ex-boyfriend soon after their breakup while her friend was still in love with him. Her idea of the perfect day is being on the beach with a cute guy by her side.
Her life's motto is that you only live once, so have some fun.

Her birth date is August 1, 1978.


Last edited by Erika on Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyWed Sep 10, 2008 10:00 am

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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyWed Sep 10, 2008 6:33 pm

You'd think she'd invite her boyfriend anyway, I mean he is right there. Weird how she didn't mention him at all during her interview with Julie Chen though so who knows how close they are... I would think they should be being that they live together but oh well
Keesha Jj10
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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyMon Sep 15, 2008 2:23 am

Keesha's boyfriend was making his rounds today trying very desperately to insure Keesha gets the 25k because according to him Keesha is "America's Sweetheart" vomit smiley

JJ believes Keesha will vote for Dan he believes (he has no better clue than we do)

JJ doesn't think Keesha and Memphis will be friends. People keep saying it is a game. He hopes Keesha and Memphis will hopefully be done.

JJ says Dan has a crush on Keesha and it doesn't bother him because "Keesha has thousands of fans that have crushes on her" He also says Dan is going to have a lot of explaining to do to Monica. (This guy is as delusional as he is creepy)

JJ confirmed Hooters gave Keesha's name to BB.

JJ thinks Michelle got screwed over.

JJ does not like Libra.

JJ and Keesha have had their ups and downs. Absence does make the heart grow founder.

JJ wants to go to Ohio and ask her dad for her hand in marriage. He is ready and can afford a family now. (he is probably banking on that 25k AC vote... this guy disgusts me bigtime!)

He doesn't want Keesha to go back to Hooters. (Interesting how she's been doing it for years and now all of a sudden he doesn't want her to do that any longer... can he get anymore repulsive?)

JJ says he is going to make a big movie so they can buy a house. (sounds like a typical Hollywood pipe dreamer)

JJ says Keesha does not cook. She sits on the couch and orders out. JJ cooks. (How does that not surprise me)

JJ says if Jerry gets AC he will post all over the internet BB is rigged. (as if anyone would give a shit)

JJ says he is used to interviews being in the business and he said Keesha will be chatting. (he acts like he's something special...need we remind him he hangs around Zach)

JJ thinks Dan will win and played a good game. Congrats Memphis for winning second place. (and we care what HE thinks why???)

JJ wants to have chats about the celebs he knows. (is this guy for real? He actually wants to do a chat to name drop? What a complete tool....... the tooliest of tools!)

JJ may have accomplished getting people to NOT vote for her based off his chats. The fact he is trying so hard to win people over to her by attempting to sell her to us is pretty nauseating. Does this tool not realize we all watched the feeds and we can form our own opinion on her without his generic sleezy input. Thanks but no thanks JJ, Go back to that movie mogul career of yours!
Oh well... Like I said before GO RENNY!
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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyMon Sep 15, 2008 11:11 pm

well Erika, what did you expect from a guy who hangs out with Zach and tries to sell his girlfriends Hooters outfit while she is still on the sleeze wannabe!! vomit smiley
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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyWed Sep 17, 2008 3:33 am

Wow, I would say JJ has issues... :suspect:

I am happy for Keesha that she won the 25K I just hope she keeps it all to herself!
Totally wish their could be 2 AC's so that Renny could win some money too!

Keesha & Renny love!
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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyMon Oct 06, 2008 8:26 am

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Keesha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keesha   Keesha EmptyMon Oct 06, 2008 8:29 am

Keesha's Myspace blog
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Quote :
Update on my life outside the BB House!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

First let me say thank you to all of you, everyone has been so sweet. I try to respond to everyone but its almost impossible. Thanks to everyone that voted for me, i truely appreciate it. I have been trying to settle back into life as much as possible. Gizzy hasnt left my side since i have returned home. Lol.. I have stayed in contact w some of the houseguests. I talk to dan, memphis, renny and steven on a regular basis. I have also spoken to libra. I think that we all are just trying to take everything in since of course our lives have changed so dramatically.

I have not returned to work yet, i will be going to ohio soon to visit my family and friends. I have a nephew that i have not seen yet and a niece that i adore so, i need to spend lost time with the little ones. Steven from bb is coming to visit me this weekend so i will take pics and post them for everyone. Again thank all of you for everything and i wish the best to all of you and your loved ones!

Keesha bb10
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