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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALSurvivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Bb12_l13
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 Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08

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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptyFri Sep 26, 2008 3:33 am

Reward/Individual Immunity Challenge: The tribes would have to race across the plain and up a hill. The first castaway from each tribe to the top of the hill would win an individual Immunity Idol. The first entire tribe to the top of the hill would receive extra food.
Reward: The winning tribe wins an extra bag of corn and beans.

Reward/Immunity Challenge: Six tribe members would be belted together and have to race through a swamp, over a net wall, and under and over a series of hitching posts. The six would then have to dig up three bags of puzzle pieces and deliver them to the three remaining tribe members. These three would then assemble the puzzle pieces to win the challenge.
Reward: The winning tribe wins Tribal Immunity and flint.
The castaways were welcomed to the game by Jeff with just their street clothes. After introducing themselves, the tribes were divided by schoolyard pick. As traditional in Gabon, Jeff announced that the elders usually make the decisions in the tribe and therefore the oldest castaways, Bob and Gillian, started the pick. After the tribes were picked, tribe names, and buffs were passed out, Jeff announced the first challenge for individual Immunity Idols and extra food. Marcus and GC won individual Immunity Idols and Kota won the extra bag of food. At the Kota tribe, Bob and Ace took charge and organized the campsite. At the Fang tribe, a nighttime visit by an elephant spooked the tribe. Randy hit his head on the tribe's hut, requiring a visit by the Survivor medical team to put in several stitches. At a combined Reward/Immunity Challenge, Kota pulled far ahead while digging up the puzzle bags and won by a blowout. Before Tribal Council, Michelle and Gillian were targets for votes due to their negativity and age, respectively. Michelle's negativity outweighed concerns over age and she was voted out 8-1. After the vote, Jeff announced that Fang would be taking their torches back to camp and gave them a flint.

Reward/Immunity Challenge: The tribes have to roll a large ball through a series of gates. At two points along the course, a tribe member would have to climb atop the ball to retrieve of set of keys. At the final gate, the keys would unlock three chains that blocked the gate. The first tribe to go through all the gates and roll their boulder atop a short pedestal wins.
Reward: The winning tribe wins Tribal Immunity and fishing gear.
Picked as the leader of Fang at Tribal Council, GC started the tribe's first fire and organized jobs to fix up the campsite. At Kota, Charlie felt attracted to Marcus (Charlie's feelings were not reciprocated as Marcus is straight) and they formed an alliance. The two expanded their alliance to include Jacquie and Corrine. The four discussed bringing in Bob to have a majority, though Bob would be kept out of the core alliance of four. In the early morning of day 5, GC resigned his leadership of the tribe after arguing with Gillian over waking up early and making too much noise. After receiving tree mail announcing the next challenge, Dan tried to unify the tribe by painting everybody with charcoal face paint, but the motivation did not work and Kota won their second challenge in a row. Kota selected Dan to go to Exile Island, where he chose to get a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol, but he was not able to decode the clue to find it. At Fang, Randy fashioned a fishing hook out of parts from his glasses and the tribe were finally able to get some meat. Dan's behavior after he returned from Exile Island made the others suspicious that he had found the Hidden Immunity Idol. At Tribal Council, Gillian was seen as the weakest link during physical challenges and she was voted out 7-1.

Michelle - 1st voted off (day 3)
Gillian - 2nd voted off (day 6)
Danny (GC)

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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptyFri Sep 26, 2008 4:28 pm

The Fang Tribe sucks. (Except for Dan, of course.) I'm very bitter they voted out my Gillian. <3 :(

<333 Marcus, Jacquie, Kelly, Paloma, & Dan
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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptySat Sep 27, 2008 3:22 pm

My Rankings:

1. Dan
2. Matty
3. Susie
4. Crystal
5. Ken

6. GC
7. Randy

1. Marcus
2. Jacquie
3. Kelly
4. Paloma

5. Ace
6. Charlie
7. Jessica
8. Bob

9. Corinne


Last edited by Colton on Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptySat Sep 27, 2008 3:28 pm

LOL...I like your rankings Colton. Put me down for a "LOVE" for Dan :lovestruck:
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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptySun Sep 28, 2008 3:52 pm

Had to post this for Colton he's lovin Ace's "assets"

Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 2eaqmts mooning
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptySun Sep 28, 2008 9:39 pm


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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptySun Sep 28, 2008 11:30 pm

I must say I agree with Colton on Charlie. I also LOVE Dan and Marcus (even though Marcus appears arrogant). But Charlie is a MEH and a GET OFF MY SCREEN guy for me. He just embarrasses me.
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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptyWed Oct 01, 2008 10:45 pm

Erika wrote:
Can you see Marcus junk hanging out? As Colton says at least it wasn't Randy's ... laughing clap lol!

Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Peekabop-18-ec
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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptyWed Oct 01, 2008 10:47 pm

You Know Charlie is loving that!!!!!!
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Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08   Survivor Gabon Premiere episode 9/25/08 EmptyWed Oct 01, 2008 10:48 pm

LoL my fav right now belive it or not is charlie, and NO ERIKa, he was my fav before i even saw this!
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