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 BB15 - Week 4 Discussion

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PostSubject: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 10:04 pm

So what's with this expect the unexpected stuff that's suppose to make things different with the MVP this week? Oh does that mean someone other than Elissa is going to get it... yawn!
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 10:24 pm

However this shakes down... I don't want Howard to be voted out.  

I'd like to see one of Helen's people go... preferably Andy, unfortunately it'll probably be Howard unless he wins veto.  I for see the rest of the season being predictably boring. I like Judd a lot but he's going to do what his group expects him to do.  I also hate that they just use him for a vote he's close to the bottom of his alliance.  Really tired of Andy, Helen and Amanda running people's game moves.  
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 11:38 pm

I gave all my votes to make Amanda for the 3rd nominee. She didn't even give Judd a minute to soak in his hoh win and she was already badgering him about getting Howard out. Amanda needs to be on the block in some form this week. She needs a serious reality check. She is way to pushy and controlling and I hope Judd or America notice it

Why is Amanda so obsessed with getting Howard out, she talks about him non stop
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 11:40 pm

I hope Judd figures out that the guys are getting picked off and if Howard leaves Judd could be one of the next guys on the radar
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 3:54 am

Jessie and Judd had a very short convo in the have not room and Jessie told Judd to "Not do Mcmanda's dirty work for them" . Hopefully he listens to Jessie
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 8:30 am

I surely hope for Judd's sake that he doesn't listen to Helen, Andy and Amanda in particular. Within this so called alliance that he's in he's the bottom of the alliance so they are just using him for a vote just like they use Jessie, Candice and Elissa.  CBS has shown how dispicable Aaryn and GM are so I think now that Jeremy is gone the majority of the votes will go to Aaryn or GM to make the 3rd nominee.  Although with that said I think they have also shown Amanda and her pushy and bossy ways.  
It's a shame when I want other people out before Aaryn, GM, and Spencer
Helen, Andy and Amanda need to go soon!

I want Judd to think of HIS own game and not this so called alliance because as soon as they get rid of Howard it's only a matter of time before Judd becomes a target and they'd prob want Judd out before Spencer.  

Judd needs to do what Elissa did last week and not fall into doing what Amanda wants.  Fuck her! If she wants Howard out so bad leave him in the game for her to take out.  
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 2:32 pm

Elissa is the 3rd nom
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 8:22 pm

Looks like Elissa won veto today, I wonder who her replacement is gonna be?
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 9:26 pm

Jay wrote:
Looks like Elissa won veto today, I wonder who her replacement is gonna be?

hoping that Bossy, pushy, you must follow my agenda or else Amanda goes up. Even if she didn't go home she needs to feel the block she is too much.
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 5:34 am

Tonight has just been weird. Elissa was drunk and basically called Amanda a stripper (Which by the outfit she were I would of said it sober) So Amanda broke down and was so upset. Then Aaryn is all pissed off about the house thinking she's racist and how its not fair to her (Always the victim Aaryn right?)

What Pissed me off tonight is Amanda and Mcrae. Judd is in the Solitary confinment and since it's Mccrae Birthday Amanda and Mccrae are sleeping in HOH and having sex. If Judd were to find out I hope hes pissed cause thats just wrong. If it was Amandas HOH it would of been okay to do.
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 10:08 pm

Demanda acts like the HOH room is hers each week.  Did she even asks Judd if she could have his room or did she just take it over?

ok this is gross >>> BB15 - Week 4 Discussion 2013-07-21_1458

Amanda cried like a little bitch because of what Elissa said but says she has thick skin.... well apparently not.  You can't fuck on the live feeds, dress up like a dominatrix, oh and let's not forget about her bandaid bs BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Boobs-300x216and then cry when you get called out on it.  If that's what you put out there then you can't cry about it too.  I can't stand how she tried hard to spear head Howard being put up on the block.  One can only hope that she will be the 3rd nom! McCrae needs to not be such a lil bitch and play his game because she is going to ruin it if he doesn't wake up!  
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 1:27 pm

So it looks like Kaitlin is the target and Aaryn is going to be saved because she is going to be working with McManda, Helen, Elissa, Jessie, Andy, and GM to get out Howard.  

Judd's HOH is very disappointing and I just think the power balance is way off set.  I really thought Judd was going to play his own game rather than to keep allowing McManda, Helen and Andy to run the show.  

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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 2:40 pm

I agree Erica...yesterday was a huge letdown for me when GM went up as the replacement nom.  I was hoping it was Amanda and looking forward to an exciting week.  Instead we got GM and had to watch Mcnasty in the hoh bathtub last night,puke  taking over the hoh yet again.
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyWed Jul 24, 2013 12:45 am

Elissa really stirred the pot tonight...I am so glad that she isn't doing what everyone wants..go elissa!!

The quietest ones  during the "meeting" were the guiltiest ( Helen, andy, and judd).  Andy and Helen couldn't get around the house fast enough after the meeting.  I thought they were both going to swallow their tongues because they were blabbing a mile a minute.
 funny shit
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BB15 - Week 4 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 4 Discussion   BB15 - Week 4 Discussion EmptyThu Jul 25, 2013 7:41 pm

I agree Bostongirl... I absolutely loved Elissa stirring the pot! I can't stand Helen, Andy and McManda... Helen and Andy always feel this need to report back to Amanda everything AND not to mention she demands everyone to tell her every conversation they have that she isn't privvy too! It's so sickening!

I hope Elissa does more pot stirring this week and I hope that Candice wins HOH and puts Amanda's ass on the block!
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