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Big Brother 16
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BB15 Amanda Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALBB15 Amanda Bb12_l13
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 BB15 Amanda

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Posts : 4252
Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
Location : Chicago

BB15 Amanda Empty
PostSubject: BB15 Amanda   BB15 Amanda EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 6:55 pm

BB15 Amanda Amandacastphoto

Name: Amanda Zuckerman
Age: 28
Hometown: Long Island, N.Y.
Lives: Boynton Beach, Fla.
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you: Confident, sexy and funny!
Favorite Activities: Horseback riding, hiking, shopping and going to movies.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Being away from my friends, family, my dog and my job, but they will be there when I get back.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: My strategy is to find common ground with everyone and share individual time- and secrets to earn their trust. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? Most – I love Britney! She’s hilarious, real and played an awesome game. Least – Jen from Big Brother 8 because she was fake, annoying and conceited.
What are you afraid of? Sharks!
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I’m proud of where I have brought myself to in my career.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Wherever you go, there you are. Which means to me, you choose where you want to be in life. The only person to get in your way is yourself. You are your own means to success.
What would you take into the house and why? My dog, my cellphone and my laptop.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I would use my fame to further my real estate career and ride the five minute fame wave.

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