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Big Brother 16
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BB15 Helen Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALBB15 Helen Bb12_l13
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 BB15 Helen

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Posts : 4252
Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
Location : Chicago

BB15 Helen Empty
PostSubject: BB15 Helen   BB15 Helen EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 6:45 pm

BB15 Helen Helencastphoto

Name: Helen Kim
Age: 37
Hometown: Falls Church, Va.
Living: Chicago, Ill.
Occupation: Political Consultant
Marital Status: Married Mom
Three adjectives that describe you: Stubborn, loyal and energetic.
Favorite Activities: I love taking my kids to do anything: zoo, museums, swimming, soccer lessons, etc. Because I’m an only child and my parents are older than the parents of my friends, I always wanted to have a family so I would not feel alone. Activities without my kids include running, knitting and reading.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Being away from my family. While I love my husband dearly, I have never been away from my kids longer than one week.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: My strategy is to throw HOH in the beginning and have the strongest players vote each other out. However, I would try to win POV. It is always good to gain favors from people. As the strong players start to vote each other off, I would then do my best to win the HOHs.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? I like Jeff the most because he is down to earth and always was the least annoying. I like drama queen Rachel the least. I had a hard time watching her whine week to week. She has serious issues.
What are you afraid of? I’m afraid of blood, which is why I could never have been a doctor. I’m also afraid of bugs.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Leaving my family and moving to Chicago was a huge accomplishment for me. I am from the East Coast and the Midwest is very different. I felt guilty leaving my parents since I was an only child. I remember the day I drove away, my father started crying (the first time I ever saw him cry). I left all my family, friends and job for my husband. It was scary, but I am so glad I did it. I am so happy.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… You can live without it. It seems all good things and lost loves, you never really give them up, you just learn to live without it/them.
What would you take into the house and why? My ipad – it has pictures and videos of my kids, my kindle for reading and knitting yarn & needles.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous? I would love to bring attention to infectious diseases like MRSA. There is not enough media coverage and public awareness about hospital infections, and we all should be educated and warned.

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