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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 5:20 pm

It is really sad to see JeJo playing the BB12 game where everyone votes with the house. It is really safe to say that Rachel will not be working with JeJo for the rest of the game.
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 5:45 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
It is really sad to see JeJo playing the BB12 game where everyone votes with the house. It is really safe to say that Rachel will not be working with JeJo for the rest of the game.

I am not an advocate of "voting with the house" Lloyd but in this scenerio, I think that Jeff is right. If it were Brenchal, they would not be sticking their neck out for them and thats a fact. Not voting with Adam and voting against Shelly will just show their hand. Whats the point? Plus its not like Jeff didnt try to sway Adam, he did. It was a losing battle though and he knows it. Brendon is a goner and by voting for him to stay even though you dont have the votes is showing Shelly that if they did have the votes, she would be gone. Cut your losses and move on to fight another day.
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 6:19 pm

Je/Jo are using the voting with the house as their excuse, they dont really care about voting with the house. Its just he best excuse to use instead of letting Brenchel know they are chosing Shelly.

Comparing the 2 couples. JeJo is playing a much cleaner game in my opinion. Every time Rachel gets a hair across her ass she starts throwing everyone and their mama under the bus. When Dani was HOH Jeff spoke to dani and said numerous times " I dont want to throw anyone under the bus...i.e Brenchel". Brenchel is the exact opposite. So in my opinion Brenchel is getting what they deserve. What goes around comes around.

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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 6:25 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Je/Jo are using the voting with the house as their excuse, they dont really care about voting with the house. Its just he best excuse to use instead of letting Brenchel know they are chosing Shelly.

Comparing the 2 couples. JeJo is playing a much cleaner game in my opinion. Every time Rachel gets a hair across her ass she starts throwing everyone and their mama under the bus. When Dani was HOH Jeff spoke to dani and said numerous times " I dont want to throw anyone under the bus...i.e Brenchel". Brenchel is the exact opposite. So in my opinion Brenchel is getting what they deserve. What goes around comes around.

I could not agree more BG....Brenchal have thrown J and J under the bus so many times and flip flopped...its pathetic how they suck ass with whoever the HOH is.

They could however vote to keep Brendon which would result is a 3-3 tie and by doing so, FORCE Daniele to be the villaiin and vote out Brendon. That would probably be their best move but they just dont think outside the box.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 9:41 pm

I feel as though that JeJo are not really thinking this through. They have not been major targets in the game because Brenchel was in the house. If anyone besides JeJo wins HOH and does not put them up, JeJo deserves to make it to the end. neutral

And then, Adam may have all his "angels" after all. People will still keep Jordan over Jeff.
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 11:19 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
I feel as though that JeJo are not really thinking this through. They have not been major targets in the game because Brenchel was in the house. If anyone besides JeJo wins HOH and does not put them up, JeJo deserves to make it to the end. neutral

And then, Adam may have all his "angels" after all. People will still keep Jordan over Jeff.

I definately agree with you about the target thing, but at some point you have to take a loss. If Rachel and Brendan were loyal that would be a different story. Even if they keep Brendan Dani is voting him out, she just doesnt want to have to do it cuz she always thinks about jury votes.
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 1:38 am

nicolefan75 wrote:
I feel as though that JeJo are not really thinking this through. They have not been major targets in the game because Brenchel was in the house. If anyone besides JeJo wins HOH and does not put them up, JeJo deserves to make it to the end. neutral


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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 2:14 am

Quick sidebar ya'll, is the Finale September 14th or 15th?
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 8:54 am

Jay wrote:
Quick sidebar ya'll, is the Finale September 14th or 15th?

The finale is Wednesday, September 14th. Many sources have reported the season finale will only be 90 minutes this year. There have also been reports that there will be no episode aired on Sunday (9/11), due to a special report on the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

I am trying to figure out if there will be more than 1 double eviction episode this year, or how BB is planning out the remaining evictions of this game to get to the F3 on finale if they are doing that this season. I personally think the 90 minute episode is a good amount of time to complete the season, but wonder if they are still going to have a competition that evening with a final eviction and jury questions with voting and the reveal of the winner. What about the the first evicted HGs coming back and revealing any secrets or thoughts on those in the jury or F2? With 8 people left after tonight's episode, there seems to be a lot of game left, but very little time. Perhaps Julie will announce the double eviction episode or another twist tonight. popcorn
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 12:49 pm

last night on the feeds Rachel told Brendaqn if she wins hoh she is putting up Jeff and Dani.

I wont even tell you to flashback because whenever i try to use the flashback this season it skips to something else. Which has been irritating the fuck out of me.

This brings me back to the pool argumenet with the 2 couples yesterday. Jeff hit the nail on the head when he was basically telling Rachel she doesnt know how to work as a team, she puts blinders on and its all about Brendan and Rachel. The reason j/j/s worked so hard too keep her there is because she is part of that team and they want to keep the numers. Of course Rachel has zero appreciation for this, and can never see the bigger picture because its all about her. I am really hoping that the NBSB or the new nerd herd alliance figures this witch out soon so she can be on the next broom smoking to the jury house.

How fiesty was Jordan during the argument..i loved it.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 1:01 pm

Can someone please refresh my memory on this....I cant remember any other hg's having sex in the common bedrooms right next to the other hg's . I know most people get it poppin in the hoh, but i cant remember anyone else doing it in the common bedrooms with other hg's sleeping. I also heard the hg's talking about what they were doing in the pool the other day. These two are totally classless...who does that?????

I think part of the reason Rachel was such a wreck last week is because she had no idea Brendan was being sequestered and was nervous about what he could be doing in the real world. Clearly he has no self control since they are getting it on all over the house. There has to be some serious trust issues since the penisgate incident and maybe she was nervous about what he could me getting into (no pun intended)
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 1:24 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Can someone please refresh my memory on this....I cant remember any other hg's having sex in the common bedrooms right next to the other hg's . I know most people get it poppin in the hoh, but i cant remember anyone else doing it in the common bedrooms with other hg's sleeping. I also heard the hg's talking about what they were doing in the pool the other day. These two are totally classless...who does that?????

I think part of the reason Rachel was such a wreck last week is because she had no idea Brendan was being sequestered and was nervous about what he could be doing in the real world. Clearly he has no self control since they are getting it on all over the house. There has to be some serious trust issues since the penisgate incident and maybe she was nervous about what he could me getting into (no pun intended)

April and Ollie had sex with Jerry in the room and he was awake!!! It was definitely not their finest hour. I think Natalie gave Matty some loving with Ryan in the room as well. Not 100% on that one but I think someone else was in the room.

HELLLLOOOOOOOOOO people!! Cameras are everywhere!!
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 1:46 pm

Porshe had a funny line to Rachel the other day abut them having sex in the house she said something along the lines You would get paid more making a porno than your stipend.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 3:42 pm

HOH comp tonight?

I am guessing is getting a bit annoying though that we are not finding out the winner of the HOH comp by the end of the live episodes. However, it would be nice to see Rachel compete in an endurance comp (fully played out) as opposed to the banana comp at the beginning of the season.
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BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 4:23 pm

sammyf wrote:
Porshe had a funny line to Rachel the other day abut them having sex in the house she said something along the lines You would get paid more making a porno than your stipend.

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 5:38 pm

i hope if the comp is endurance they say that the 1st 4 ppl off are on slop to give them an incentive to stay up there. They were doing it the opposite last season and the last ppl were on slop (maybe to see who would sell out). I think thats part of the reason the indurance comps are over so quick. Old Skool endurance please.!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 8:03 pm

Anybody see the green ooze that was coming out of the drains a few mintues back. Probably has something to do with the HOH should be fun!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 6 Discussion    BB13 - Week 6 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 11:29 pm

woohooo Jeff!!!yayayayayyaya!!!!
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