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 Jen Johnson's MSN take on finale night

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Jen Johnson's MSN take on finale night Empty
PostSubject: Jen Johnson's MSN take on finale night   Jen Johnson's MSN take on finale night EmptyThu Sep 18, 2008 9:35 am

'Big Brother 10' - Jen's Take: Episode 29
Dan wins the big prize
By Jen Johnson
Special to MSN TV

The finale was actually quite amusing; I was in the audience so I watched it live, which is way different than watching it at home. Anyway, the beginning was a recap of the entire season followed by the Jury discussion and questions. There were many questions. I think Michelle had the most humorous ones; she tried to play Jury House roulette and also put Dan on the spot when she asked him why he chose her out of everyone. Both Memphis and Jerry were shocked that Dan did not go on the trip alone. It was funny to see the interaction between Memphis and Dan in the house as he found out. Dan was definitely a good talker; he had perfect answers for all of the questions that he was asked. Memphis, on the other hand, wasn't able to form sentences or even answer the questions altogether. It was almost uncomfortable to see how poorly he answered.

The Jury then came out and greeted the audience. Renny received the most applause and lingered in the audience for well over her allotted time. It was funny; it was obvious that Renny had not seen people in quite some time. The Jury then voted by putting their keys in the final box, all while giving a sentence or so on why they were voting for whom they were voting for, without giving away whom they were voting for.

Following the final vote, we got to hear from the first four evictees. Brian talked a lot about how he was happy that Dan and Memphis were in the final two because they were the only two not to play with emotions. I think he was trying to express to Jerry that his actions and words were unacceptable.

Julie then started the key process: Dan, Dan, Dan and Dan. And that makes Dan the winner of "Big Brother 10." Dan and Memphis came out of the house; there was an explosion of confetti and overwhelming applause. Julie later showed the rest of the keys: It was a 7 to 0 vote for Dan. Julie also announced that the $25,000 Jury prize was a close one and that Keesha won it. Later when I asked, everyone (well, except for Jerry) said they were shocked Keesha won and that they had expected Renny to take that prize.

And that's a wrap!
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