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 BB's executive producers interview by

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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyTue Sep 14, 2010 2:49 pm

A must read as Allison and Rich discuss:

- Cutting of the feeds all of the time t

- DR Questions and Producer Manipulation

- Conspiracy Theories

- The Brigade

- The final HOH comp (being a crap shoot)

...and more!
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyTue Sep 14, 2010 3:13 pm

They talked "around" the questions. No real answers of substance or eye openers for me. Great questions by Reality Blurred. Too bad they didnt get great answers.
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyTue Sep 14, 2010 8:16 pm

Thanks for sharing this article ladies!! I was not aware about the leakage of diary room footage with BB10 Michele...pretty pathetic if that's all the excitement I got out of that article. I agree that the answers were lacking any depth, but there have been houseguests that have said that the producer's questioning the HGs make them think about their choices, decisions, etc., in the game, but they do not tell them what to do. I wonder how much of this is true, since they are under (I think) upto a three year confidentiality contract with CBS, and they can't reveal much to challenge the integrity of the game. scratch
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BB Addict
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyTue Sep 14, 2010 10:57 pm

This probably just made her want to put Dick and Danni back in even more... puke
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyWed Sep 15, 2010 11:34 am

Very evasive responses even if they do seem sincere like Andy Denhart says.

"They do not see the person interviewing them."

Yeah but HGs usually seem to even know the names of the DR interviewers. They become too much of a "person" than they actually should in a game like this. There's more to it than body language and mere sight. It seems like some other lines are crossed. Maybe the interviewers need to have a Saboteur voice from now on if they can't stay objective.

I do agree that it's a plausible explanation that HGs will tend to find conspiracies in everything due to the nature of their experience that would explain the vast majority of their comments. There remains a seed of doubt in some cases however.

“He was America’s Player, so I believe—wasn’t that one of the directive’s of America’s Player?”

And that's why the line is fuzzy. Is that really her perception of the situation? From what I recall, there was no explicit directive on how AP uses the veto, just who to get nominated, who to evict, and some random silly task each week. Maybe it can be explained by saying since America voted that Eric should try to get Amber nominated, her nomination cannot be vetoed by AP. That's not unreasonable given the circumstances, but it wasn't an actual AP directive outright.

As long as DRs are kept secret on the feeds, there will be no accountability and always will be speculation, especially when all we hear comes from a one-sided perspective: HGs who may be overly paranoid or may be right. It's hard to keep the show honest if you don't get to see the other side of it.

The reply about cutting the feeds seems evasive. What I really want to know (and understand that it couldn't be covered in an interview from a while ago) was why they cut the feeds, say, for the first 20-45 minutes of an endurance challenge or simply just don't show it at all. There's no excuse for that. Or any of those other times the feeds get cut for no obvious reason, including HoH room reveals later in this season.

It's hard to think you're missing much this year on the feeds so it's hard to complain. I turned on the feeds a few times after Britney left (didn't watch the clip show--I actually forked over the money for feeds so thought I'd force myself to watch here and there), but EVERY time I checked in on the F3, ALL of them were talking about how famous they were going to be. EVERY time the WHOLE time. They were all as bad as Enzo was throughout the season, only worse. It was pathetic.
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BB Lover
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyWed Sep 15, 2010 11:52 am

"Maybe the interviewers need to have a Saboteur voice from now on if they can't stay objective."

Hilarious Mechanical!!! That would be awesome! BB's executive producers interview by 371818
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB's executive producers interview by   BB's executive producers interview by EmptyWed Sep 15, 2010 12:02 pm

tj2377 wrote:
"Maybe the interviewers need to have a Saboteur voice from now on if they can't stay objective."

Hilarious Mechanical!!! That would be awesome! BB's executive producers interview by 371818

BB's executive producers interview by 301583 Good one MB!
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BB's executive producers interview by Empty
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