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Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALFlashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Bb12_l13
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 Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to

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Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Empty
PostSubject: Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to   Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to EmptyTue Aug 10, 2010 3:12 pm

Cam 1

This talk all started after their Just the Tip "talk show"

Matt, Hayden, Kathy, Britney and Lane

Matt was telling everyone about Lydia's stupid youtube videos and how pathetic they were
Then Kathy mentions Kail's Rainbow Reality Reunion and how all of the former HGs go to it each year and Matt mentions how Chelsia tells him how some 300lb crazed fan female saw Jeff and was like screaming and crying for Jeff (Since Jeff didn't go she was probably talking about Vegas and Kail's event)
and how the fans are a bunch of crazy nerds who go and ask the weirdest questions at the Q&A
... (Gee real nice of Chelsia to bash on the fans who pay for these events)
I like how Hayden wonders if it's like the big name BB people who go there and Matt is like nahh I think it's the total opposite of people who don't get invited anywhere, which I believe he was trying to say their the loser BB HGs... I guess figuring people like Chelsia, Lydia, Ronnie etc.

Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Bblite2010-08-09235102
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Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to   Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to EmptyTue Aug 10, 2010 3:47 pm

How wonderful of Chelsia to bash the fans who actually pay good money to go see trash like her. I am so glad that she has "learned" from her experience in the BB House. She sounds like the same evil, vile rotten POS that she always was. Thank you Matt for letting people know what I already knew about Smelsia....once a POS ALWAYS a POS!!! finger
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Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to   Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to EmptyTue Aug 10, 2010 5:13 pm

Lorraine, do you watch the SuperPass live event shows: Home Life With Jordan, Janelle's Power Hour, and Happy Hour w/ Chelsia and Missy? I don't mind Missy, but it seems like Chelsia's "nice" behavior is forced! Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to 25333
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Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to   Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to EmptyTue Aug 10, 2010 11:50 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
Lorraine, do you watch the SuperPass live event shows: Home Life With Jordan, Janelle's Power Hour, and Happy Hour w/ Chelsia and Missy? I don't mind Missy, but it seems like Chelsia's "nice" behavior is forced! Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to 25333

I have to pass on that show Lloyd for the simple fact that I find Chelsia vile and disgusting. How she ever got this gig is a mystery to me. No doubt her "niceness" is forced and fake.
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Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to   Flashback - 8/10 Matt talking about what Chelsia told him about the events HGs go to Empty

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