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Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALFlashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Bb12_l13
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 Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"

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Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Empty
PostSubject: Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"    Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  EmptyMon Aug 09, 2010 10:06 am

Cam 1

Hayden, Britney and Ragan were talking about how trashy and skanky Rachel is and it turned into full blown bashing on Rachel and Brendon and advice to future contestants going on to BB things not to do on BB
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Mechanical Bliss
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Mechanical Bliss

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Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"    Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  EmptyMon Aug 09, 2010 1:23 pm

I saw that, almost surprised how long the cameras indulged them. It was pretty funny. Britney and Ragan seemed like naturals but Hayden seemed a little stiff. He did come up with that What Would Julie (Chen) Do? axiom for evaluating your own behavior in the house though and that was funny.

Would Julie talk about waking up in a puddle of one's own vomit counting hundred dollar bills? No she would not. Therefore that's not a good idea to bring it up to HGs you want to like you.

Oh and don't turn every conversation into being about yourself or Vegas. Well, she IS Vegas, so same thing really, right?
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Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"    Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  EmptyMon Aug 09, 2010 3:10 pm

Yeah it was funny and Britney and Ragan are naturals... Hayden was definitely a little stiff haha but it was cute to see him try to keep up with them
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Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"    Flashback - 8/8 Hayden, Britney, and Ragan "Talk Show"  Empty

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