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BB12 Saboteur Empty
PostSubject: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 2:30 pm

So... rumors are that there will be someone in the house to stir up trouble. If the troublemaker isn't playing for the prize, what's in it for them? Also, is anything going to be in place (by the producers, etc....) to keep the troublemaker "in the house". Why go to all this trouble if they are voted out at the first eviction.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 2:35 pm

I'm with you on that thought looney. What if this person is evicted immediately or is discovered/caught during one of their tasks? CBS Tweeted that the Saboteur is going to receive cash rewards for the tasks that he or she completes. Sounds a bit like America's player.
I hope it plays out better than it is sounding at this point.

Oh and BB12 Saboteur 600460 to the forum!

Last edited by Lorraine on Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 9:06 pm

I dont like it so far. Sounds like AP again.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 11:22 pm

It sounds like AP to me too. I wonder what happens if they make final two since they are not there to win the game?? There are so many questions left with this twist and so many ways it can play out. Can't wait for some answers and for it to start!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptySat Jul 03, 2010 1:12 pm

BB12 Saboteur Header_banner_submission

The saboteur has access to the following household items.
Use these to inspire your sabotage suggestions!

1. Duct Tape
2. Super Glue
3. Rope
4. Padlock
5. Food Coloring
6. Condiments
7. Rubber Bands
8. Wire
9. Glow in the dark Ink
10. Beeping Electronic Device

I'm embarrassed for them to suggest such childish things that I would imagine will have weak results. Who seriously comes up with these ideas? BB12 Saboteur 290276
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptySat Jul 03, 2010 5:05 pm


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Mechanical Bliss
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 9:07 am

It's not quite clear what's going on here.

1. According to the 6/30 CBS press release: "Upon moving into the house on premiere night, Houseguests will discover
that one of them is not really there to win the game, but rather to
sabotage their fellow players."

Um, what? Does that mean that they will actually be told there's a saboteur secretly at work? Or does that mean that they will simply find out as they go along? It certainly doesn't make sense to tell them straight away; new HGs are already paranoid enough after AP and the coup d'etat, that such info would send them over the edge. Everyone would immediately be trying to figure out who it is.

2. Same press release: "For the first time in the history of the series, one contestant will not
be playing to win the half million dollar prize.... If the Saboteur is able to make it to the halfway point of the game, a
financial reward awaits."

Does this mean that they are ineligible to win the grand prize or that they voluntarily decided to play for this halfway point prize (and probably others like AP) in order to play saboteur, BUT if they DO succeed in going the distance they could still win?

If the saboteur is outed, it's almost advantageous to keep them around because they aren't competition if they can't win. Early on, though, it could make them an easy target for an HoH and house uncertain of whom to target. The twist could fizzle out immediately. And if they can't win the grand prize, it's pointless to have them in the house all that long anyway because closer to the end I'd rather see those playing to WIN play hard (and there won't be many left to sabotage anyway).

3. Finally, those "household items" look ridiculous. I thought this was going to be more like spreading rumors, telling lies, airing out alliances, etc.--stuff that's game related. Instead it's starting to sound like that whole mustard on Jen's shirt thing. Ho hum. Why are fan ideas almost always better than BB producers' ideas? It's probably to early to tell though given that it hasn't premiered yet.

Here's a link to the press release from 6/30 just to cite my source:

Anyway, I'm still excited, and it looks like Erika and Lorraine, you guys have quite a lineup of HGs, so I can't wait for your show to start again.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 9:40 am

Hey Bliss!.. yeah our 1st show is tonight, hope you'll be able to catch it!

I have also speculated, if the saboteur makes it at least half way without being called out and having their cover blown will they allow them to at that point play the game to win the 500k. Kind of like how they had the couples split up in season 9 to play as individuals from the half way point.

This saboteur twist is so much like Eric being AP in Season 8, and the household items they want US to suggest the saboteur do are so ridiculous. It's a lame twist that they obviously didn't put any thought into at all, and much like their other twists are all hype and don't pack any type of punch. What if the saboteur were to get voted out by chance week 1... there goes their big twist! It's just dumb and quite frankly it just seems like something that belongs on Nickelodeon. They must think the fans are a bunch of bafoons and are easily entertained.

I would think they had many months to come up with something good for a twist if they feel they need a twist so badly but this here seems like someone took 2.5 seconds to come up with. There are so many questions that hopefully will get answered Thursday.
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BB12 Saboteur Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 10:41 am

Quote :
3. Finally, those "household items" look ridiculous. I thought this was going to be more like spreading rumors, telling lies, airing out alliances, etc.--stuff that's game related. Instead it's starting to sound like that whole mustard on Jen's shirt thing. Ho hum. Why are fan ideas almost always better than BB producers' ideas? It's probably to early to tell though given that it hasn't premiered yet.

LOL MB! Erika and I had this very conversation recently. Basically the whole thing sounded like the mustard on the shirt. I am holding out hope that this is not going to be as lame as I think it is. But..with this list of items:

1. Duct Tape
2. Super Glue

3. Rope
4. Padlock
5. Food Coloring
6. Condiments
7. Rubber Bands
8. Wire
9. Glow in the dark Ink
10. Beeping Electronic Device

its not looking good.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyWed Jul 07, 2010 11:34 am

It looks like BB took the lesser option of telling the HGs there is a saboteur in the house from the get go--maybe to make it different from America's Player, but outing the fact that there's a saboteur seems to sabotage the saboteur twist. I thought it seemed so stupid to do it that way that it couldn't possibly be the case. But of course BB always has to execute things the worst way they can. BB sabotaged its own twist.

That's why I don't the twists. I like the game played by a diverse group of is. Sometimes the twists can be fun, a lot of times they fizzle out, but the things that keep BB interesting are the game and the people. When BB interferes with twists, their lack of creativity stifles them unfortunately.
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12 Saboteur Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 2:47 pm

Was it just me or during the premiere did it seem almost too obvious to be true that Andrew is the saboteur?

In order to preserve the twist beyond week one, the saboteur had to be immune from the first eviction like Dick/Dustin/Jessica during week one of BB8. And look who sat out the first HoH comp: Andrew. It's just that I expected such a tactic to be less obvious and include a few HGs so as not to single out anyone.

On the other hand, it may have just been circumstance given that they had a 14th HG (and thus an even number for the comp) who dropped out of sequester. Andrew did raise his hand before Julie even finished the question, though, almost as if he wanted to ensure that he would be the odd man out. It's not like another person is going to volunteer after that and create a conflict about it. Unlike what Hayden said though, it's not completely unreasonable to disqualify yourself from the first HoH. As he's quickly realizing, it's made him an easy target for a pre-jury eviction.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 4:06 pm

See I thought it was just too obvious that it was Brendan with the whole let me go get my toothbrush when the lights went out. I am HOPING that he is smarter than that because if he is the saboteur, he wont make week 5 for sure.
For the record, I truly hope that Rachel goes this week.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptySat Jul 10, 2010 12:42 pm

BB12 Saboteur Saboteur

I'm almost convinced now that the saboteur is Kathy.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptySat Jul 10, 2010 12:52 pm

Yesterday Hayden said that Kathy was in the kitchen when the lights went out.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 3:37 pm

My guess is Annie....
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Mechanical Bliss
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 3:25 pm

After visiting the Kathy thread I decided to look back at these captures to put things in more context. It looks like the three people missing initially are Matt, Monet, and Kathy. That definitely makes them stand out.

If Matt was back before Kathy, I don't think it matters which way he came from and I think he could have gone on the Hayden/Rachel/Enzo side of the couch without legs in the way. And I'm not sure Matt was calm as much as being genuinely excited as a BB fan himself. I don't remember him being completely calm and disengaged, more like intrigued. Plus I like him and don't want him to be the saboteur.

If Kathy was indeed in the kitchen, she'd have to go all the way to the other side of the living room to padlock the storage room while not running into Brendon and Andrew and not making too much noise. It would make sense if she delayed in the bedrooms for, say, Matt to leave so she could lock it on the way to that end of the couch she ended up on, but if Hayden was correct about the kitchen thing, I'm suspicious. Being a saboteur explains her performance in the comps, though not much else.

Monet seems to be almost so under the radar that it arouses suspicion. She was missing and ended up not on the couch but on the floor. Is that because there was no room on the couch after Kathy got there making Monet the last person to arrive? Maybe she came from the bedroom side of the house and padlocked the door on the way to the living room? Nothing else about her behavior is explained by being the saboteur to me though.

I actually thought being told ahead of time the house would figure out the saboteur (because you can only keep up that act for so long, but I guess if BB helps with blackouts and who knows what else...) like they figured out the secret partners in BB6: relatively quickly. But I guess it's sort of working if we're still not completely convinced of a single suspect and still talking about it. I'd just kind of like to know and move beyond this though (only a couple more days of course). Then maybe we can watch this stuff on the feeds and get a better sense of what the saboteur can do.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 3:38 pm

Not to mention we don't even know how long the lights were out. It's amazing to me that while the lights were out nobody really was doing a head count check from what we know. I would just think someone would be continuously doing a roll call to make sure everyone was there and accounted for... Maybe the lights were out for a longer than what we all would think which maybe would explain why Andrew and Brendon got antsy and felt the need to get up from the group... doesn't make sense to me but Andrew seems a little odd and Brendon seems a little clueless so I guess I could see why they did that... I would have thought by now the houseguests would be still going on and on about who padlocked the storage room...and they pretty much just resigned to the fact oh well we don't know and gave up on speculating.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 2:06 pm

At this point I don't think anyone has been approached to be the of yet.

Everything that the saboteur has done I believe has all been done by production...even misleading us all to think there has been a saboteur that has been approached already. I could be wrong of course but that's what I'm thinking at this point.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 2:29 pm

I was thinking about that today too, Erika. Everything that's been done could easily have just been done by production.

My other thought was that maybe there are 2 saboteurs. Maybe they're the 2 people who allegedly have a relationship outside of the house. That would definitely be interesting, though obviously pretty far fetched since that would be ridiculous for them both to get $50K at the end of 5 weeks.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 2:37 pm

I don't believe that there is anyone who has the relationship. Again I believe that is something made up to cause paranoia and hence "sabotage" someone's/anyone's game.

I believe there will eventually be a Saboteur based off what happens with tonight's eviction possibly whomever is the one evicted which is why we had to wait til tonight to find out the identitiy of the saboteur, but everything that has been done thus far with the locked storage room, the tape on the faces of Britney and Kathy, and the beeping device I believe is all BB so far. Which none of those things that has been done so far has in my opinion "wreaked havoc upon the house"
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Mechanical Bliss
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 2:50 pm

Those are two interesting twists--no actual saboteur as a HG but it's BB, or BB designates two saboteurs who think they're the only ones. They sound too creative to be used on BB though ;).

And yeah, the saboteur isn't really wreaking much havoc really, you're right Erika. Evel Dick caused more trouble and he didn't even have a $50k incentive and was playing to win.

Right now my positive thoughts about this twist are at least it has stayed a relatively compelling mystery and that if the saboteur is Kathy or Monet it might actually make them more interesting.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 2:56 pm

so does everyone agree that there is no actual "previous relationship" within the house and that this is just the saboteurs way of creating "havoc"?
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 3:00 pm

Bottom line if there was an actual established relationship of any sort those 2 people would be saying something when alone together and nobody has done that or said anything to to come to that conclusion that they know one another. It's BS
Maybe if none of us had the feeds could we buy into that one but most of us do have the feeds and no one has seen any of them talking alone as if they know one another.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12 Saboteur   BB12 Saboteur EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 3:02 pm

very true, but we have to remember that us feed watchers are in the minority and the actual CBS viewers by far outnumber us. Perhaps this is for their benefit but like you said, no one is whispering in corners about their knowing each other. We better get some answers tonight and GOOD
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