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 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen

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PostSubject: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 3:36 am

14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen BB12


I did find it funny that a lot of the people who tried out didn't think Jordan deserved to win
A twist that will involve audience participation which is easy to sum up it's the one who is suppose to be there to sabotage.

It's gotta be Russell from Survivor, he can sabotage like no other! I will actually love it, if the rumors are true. And why not be him since CBS has been utilizing Jeff's popularity. Survivor draws in a bigger audience than Big Brother and it would definitely draw in more viewers who don't watch BB.

I like the 14 houseguests but I'm not crazy about the audience participation at all!
I just wish Big Brother would let them play the game and let the chips fall where they may.... I can only hope at this point, that the people I like aren't screwed by this "twist" or I'll probably be bitching about it all season.
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 9:03 am

It's getting soooo close! 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen 5569
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BB Addict
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 10:19 am

JORDANGODDESS <3333 Best.Winner.Ever. I LOVE audience interaction because it helps keep people who people actually like and actually deserve to be in the house there.
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 1:31 pm

let me guess Colton....are you referring to "the good people"? 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen 29046
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 1:42 pm

Colton wrote:
JORDANGODDESS <3333 Best.Winner.Ever. I LOVE audience interaction because it helps keep people who people actually like and actually deserve to be in the house there.

the only thing that worries me about that Colton is in season 10, the most popular people were the people I thought were fake ass phony, play to the camera idiots. That would be the Renegades 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen 491211 you know, moldy green short wearing filthy Dan and more boring then watching grass grow or paint dry Memphis and Hyena Keesha. Thats why I tend to agree with Erika on this one...let them play and may the best person win. I can only imagine if the fans had control of the house during season 10. It would have been completely UNWATCHABLE!!
On the other side of the coin, it could work in our favor. Lets say there is another pig vomit in the house. Imagine the fun we could have torturing that
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 2:20 pm

Is there any originality anymore:

Big Brother 12’s twist: a saboteur (or basically just America’s
Player renamed)

Brother 12 »

by Andy Dehnart / June 29, 2010, 12:00 PM14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen Email 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen Twitter 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen Facebook

Big Brother 12’s twist has been
revealed, and it’s a variation of one we’ve seen before. One contestant
will be a saboteur, and will “disrupt the lives of fellow players” based
on viewer suggestions. In other words, they’re bringing back America’s
Player from season 8
, although with two changes: the other
houseguests will know that someone is trying to sabotage them, and that
person won’t be playing the regular game.

A CBS press release says that when they move in, “Houseguests will
discover that one of them is not really there to win the game, but
rather to sabotage their fellow players,” and their “mission will be to
carry out viewer suggestions on how best to disrupt the lives of fellow
players. … The longer the saboteur is able to maintain their anonymity
while carrying out their fan-inspired sabotage, the more financially
rewarding it will be for them.”

Executive producer Allison Grodner, who is in charge of the
drug-addled monkey
, said in a press release that this “will make
life for the Houseguests harder than ever before. This is a twist that
will wreak havoc on the house and the audience will be a part of it.”

Besides recycling something we’ve already seen, this twist borrows
even more from The Mole than America’s
Player did, but Big Brother is no Mole. And I generally find Big Brother’s attempts to fuck with the
contestants’ already fragile heads to be distasteful and stupid at best,
never mind how the producers manipulated
America’s Player to do their bidding
, so this isn’t something I’m
looking forward to.

Source: Reality Blurred

BB is one of my favorite reality shows, but to take a concept from another reality shows seems to tell me the well has been tapped dry. America's player was good the first time it came out and it blew up in A G face when a banner plane blew up Eric's spot up. This is not going to pan out well and there will be fairweather fans that would vote to help pitiful players like jordumb to win.
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14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 2:39 pm

Hey PJ!! Good to see you. I'm sort of with you on this although the jury is still out until the season starts. This twist does seem a bit lame but I am hoping for the best. Plenty of unanswered questions too. So if the saboteur (how tired of that word will we be in a few weeks) is not in it to win it, what if they make it to the end? Or as said in another thread what if they are evicted in week one? I guess we will find out soon enough.
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 3:57 pm

Yeah... I agree... I don't think this will work at all. I think that once the HGs know that there is a saboteur in their midst, priority numero uno for all of them will be to figure out who it is and boot them out of the house.

I was actually a fan of "The Mole" when it was on- even the crappy version on a few summers ago. Part of the beauty with that show is that at the end of every episode, they had all of the contestants take a 10 question quiz about the identity of the Mole and the one with the lowest score was eliminated. The Mole could never be mathematically eliminated because they would be able to answer all of the questions about themselves- thus keeping them in the game until the very end. The major problem with the Mole (which I'm guessing will be a problem for the Saboteur) is that everyone knew someone was trying to sabotage games. So sometimes the Mole had to win challenges and do their best so no one would guess their identity. I'm guessing if America is voting on things for the Saboteur to do, they won't have the option of winning to throw everyone off. I'm calling it now- this person makes it 4 weeks- MAX.

I doubt they would bring someone like Russell from "Survivor" in because it would be too obvious and the HGs would want to get him out right away.
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PostSubject: Re: 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen   14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 4:01 pm

I liked that show too Suzie and wondered why it never quite caught on. The concept was pretty cool but I agree with you, not so sure this will work for BB. 14 Houseguests and the 1st look at the new kitchen 7124
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