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 Real World San Fran Puck

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Real World San Fran Puck Empty
PostSubject: Real World San Fran Puck   Real World San Fran Puck EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 2:16 pm

Its bad enough to drink and drive but with his 8 year old son in the car??? WTF?

Reality TV Star Faces Charges After Crash: CHP

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Puck, One of the TV's first reality stars, is hospitalized in San Diego and will charged with driving while intoxicated, according to the California Highway Patrol.

David Rainey, who was known as Puck on 1994's "Real World: San Francisco," was seriously injured in the wreck, which took place at about 9:20 p.m. on Friday on state Route 79. CHP officer Brian Pennings said Rainey, 41, was headed north, not far from the community of Descanso, just before the crash.

"Due to his level of intoxication, he was unable to negotiate a curve in the roadway," Pennings said.

The Ford Fiesta went off the roadway, down an embankment, where it came to rest on its roof in a streambed.

Also injured in the crash was Rainey's 8-year-old son, Bogart, who was able to climb out and up the embankment, where he flagged down a passing motorist. Both Rainey and his son were taken to UCSD Medical Center by air ambulance. The boy's injuries were not as severe as his father's, according to the CHP.

"[Rainey] was arrested for suspicion of DUI, however, he remains hospitalized due to his medical condition," CHP officer Brian Pennings.

Michael Martin, who represents Rainey and other "Real World" stars, confirmed that his client was involved in the crash.

"Puck's wife, Betty, confirmed with me that he and his son Bogart were involved in a very serious car accident Friday, March 19, in San Diego," Martin said in an e-mail "I am thankful Bogart, age 8, has been released from the hospital to his mother, Betty, today when it was initially feared he would not survive."

Martin said Rainey's condition is serious and that Martin has been unable to communicate with his client since the crash.

"He is not able to speak since the latest surgery," Martin said.

Matin said Rainey comes to the San Diego area frequently and was on a fishing trip with Bogart when the crash took place.

Rainey will be facing charges of DUI, child endangerment and driving without a license, according to Pennings. Martin said he was aware of the pending charges but could not comment on them.

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Real World San Fran Puck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Real World San Fran Puck   Real World San Fran Puck EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 3:15 pm

When will people wake the fuck up and quit drinking and driving...and with his own kid in the car? I abhor it!
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Posts : 4252
Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
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Real World San Fran Puck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Real World San Fran Puck   Real World San Fran Puck EmptyTue Mar 30, 2010 1:12 pm

Real World bad boy “Puck” David Rainey is recovering in the intensive care unit after a near fatal car crash that severely injured him and his 8-year-old son.

In an exclusive interview from his hospital bed, Puck admitted he had been drinking prior to the accident.
“I had two shots of Jack Daniels but I ate a sandwich with it,” Puck said. “They tested my blood alcohol and it was .03% which isn’t even wet reckless.”

On March 19, the Real World star was driving to a fishing trip with his son Bogart when he says a deer jumped in front of his 1988 Ford Festiva causing their car to careen off a 40-foot ravine.
“We did two flips down a little hill and we were upside down,” Puck’s son Bogart told

Bogart suffered a contusion on his liver, a bruised kidney and intestines and a bruised lung. Puck sustained a broken clavicle and broken neck. He says Bogart saved their lives by managing to squeeze through a window and flag down a car for help.

Puck, 41, who has battled alcoholism for years, said he was arrested at the hospital and charged with [color:56ae=blue !important][color:56ae=blue !important]child endangerment.
“My son is the hero of the story,” the former bike messenger turned actor said amid tears. “I felt really guilty having my son go for help but he was able to roll down the window and flag a car who was able to call an ambulance.”

The video is really sad and pathetic. What's really sad is I don't even think he realizes the magnitude of what could have happened.
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