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 Reality TV attention whores

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Reality TV attention whores Empty
PostSubject: Reality TV attention whores   Reality TV attention whores EmptyTue Oct 20, 2009 2:13 pm

This could be fun...this is one persons opinion of the top 5 reality tv attention whores but I bet this forum could add more then 5...LOL!

In honor of Balloon Boy dad Richard Heene: Reality TV's top-five attention whores

By Michael Roberts in Follow That Story, News, Television & Film

Tue., Oct. 20 2009 @ 7:57AM

We at Westword can't help feeling a little bit responsible for prompting the spectacle that was Balloon Boy. After all, our cover story this last week counted down Denver's top-ten reality stars,
likely inspiring Richard Heene to try to join their number. Yeah, he
lives in Fort Collins, but we probably would have made an exception.
We're easy like that...
Now, however, Heene has prompted another list: reality-TV's
top-five attention whores -- the personalities who, like our Dick to
the north, so desperately crave closeups that they're willing to do
anything and everything to keep cameras pointed in their direction.
Here they are:

5. The Kardashians
You may think of Kim, Kourtney and Khloé Karshashian as separate
individuals. But to us, they're one big attention whore -- a
three-headed celebutante monster willing to chase (and even marry) star
athletes, strut red carpets in outfits that are all about the ass, and
flaunt every triumph or trouble (like the reported theft of Kourtney's jewelry) for the vicarious pleasure of undemanding voyeurs everywhere.

4. Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth

Once a person with a legitimate career (she served as a political
consultant for Al Gore), Omarosa first became intoxicated with that
demon bitch fame after becoming a slithery villain on The Apprentice. Since then, by Wikipedia's count, she's appeared on over twenty other reality shows, including Celebrity Apprentice -- proof that the term "celebrity" has never meant less.

3. Jonny Fairplay
The man born John Dalton made Survivor
history by winning a challenge with the help of a dead grandmother who
was really alive and well, then further enhanced his "credibility" by
appearing on any other reality show that would have him, getting into
an altercation with Danny Bonaduce and briefly pursuing a career in a
field only slightly more honorable than reality-TV attention whore: pro

2. Heidi Montag
Crested Butte's own Montag parlayed her portrayal of an evil fem-bot (aka herself) on MTV's The Hills
into media omnipresence that's included increasingly desperate attempts
to establish herself as a singer, a fashion designer and a person worth
caring about -- an effort undermined by her relationship with the
equally unctuous Spencer Pratt. As a bonus, she thinks Al Roker is out
to get her -- and we hope he is.

1. Octomom

Whether Nadya Denise Doud-Suleman Gutierrez demanded additional embryo
implantations after already giving birth to six kids due to an
unspecified psychosis or a mania for stardom is immaterial. After all,
these two potential causes are virtually indistinguishable at this
point. Whatever the case, she trumps the Heene parents, who didn't have
their kids just because they needed props for TV.

As far as we know...

These are pretty good and there is no denying that Octowhore is the number 1 attention whore....I know we can name more though!!! I'll start the ball rolling with James Rhine. This guy twitters about when he is going to take a nap, go to the gym, go to work and when he scratches his ass. psssssstttt, hey James! No one cares! Twitter about something interesting please! Ok so there are PLENTY more...start naming names! lol
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Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
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Reality TV attention whores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality TV attention whores   Reality TV attention whores EmptyTue Oct 20, 2009 5:10 pm

There are so many to be named in the animal that is Big Brother but because they are so insignificant to the rest of America nobody but us who watch the show would know of them and their attention whore ways.
So as far as Big Brother attention whores and a overall whore in general. Season 11 gave us a new attention whore. She cut herself in the Big Brother house to get attention, gave hand jobs like it was the new back rub...... twitters and youtubes like it's her job... btw is she back to work yet or is she living off that BB check all 6k of it?

As far as bigger fame whores go ... I'm surprised this article didn't mention Jon and Kate Gosselin. They are pretty gag inducing with their whoring.
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