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 Dan Gheesling's blog

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3 posters

Posts : 4575
Join date : 2008-09-06

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PostSubject: Dan Gheesling's blog   Dan Gheesling's blog EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 12:09 am

September 20, 2009 » A year later…

off, congratulations to Jordan as this year’s Big Brother winner. I
watched some of the season this year and it was hilarious. It’s also
been awhile since I’ve updated here, so here is the latest from me:
The school year has begun and football season is well underway at
Orchard Lake St. Mary’s. Our team is incredibly talented this year and
big things are on the horizon for the Eaglets. As always, the students
and players always keep me on my toes. Working with high school
students, it’s inevitable that sometimes they get me to crack up in
class which is an event in itself.
Speaking of events, I apologize to those who were expecting to see
me in Vegas this weekend. My schedule is pretty tight during the
football season here in Michigan so often times it is hard for me to
get away for even just a weekend.
I did however, have the opportunity to get out to Oklahoma for a
charity event benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Association in August.
The charity contributions surpassed that of last year, and I had a
great time in the process (thanks Michelle O. and Steve!!!) I had a
chance to hang out with some other reality TV show winners as well:
Aras-Survivor, Theo Von-Last Comic Standing, Rob and Brennan-Amazing
Race, Gervace-Survivor, Charlie O’Connell-the Bachelor, and Chicken
For the huge Big Brother fans out there, I did hang out with Dr.
Will and Mike Boogie in Oklahoma. Mike Boogie is a good dude and
deadly with a rickshaw. Dr. Will is very down to earth and a blast to
hang out with. Both of these guys helped me tremendously in getting my
life back to “normal” since being off of the show, not to mention
instrumental in winning the show (if you were playing in the NBA
Finals, wouldn’t you watch film of MJ and Magic?)
Now, to address a few questions I have been getting:
- Yes, I had fun going back into the Big Brother house this season.
The competition that I hosted was a long one, so I had a chance to
speak with the houseguests for a while. I tried to give them all
general advice while I was there as well as working to keep the mood
light (yes, there were a lot of fights this year).
- Yes, I still talk to Memphis, he is doing very well as expected and running his club!
- No, I don’t know anything about Big Brother All Stars 2, sorry! (thanks Will)
Thank you all for the continued support and messages, letters,
emails, and the like. I do my best to respond to as many as possible -
my sister Kelly does a great job running my Facebook. She let me know
that my Facebook page is now “full” and has posted a new one - so make
sure to join here.
I sincerely appreciate all of the messages, even a year later, and I
try to check them all… so thank you for the continued support.
Take care,
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Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
Location : Chicago

Dan Gheesling's blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dan Gheesling's blog   Dan Gheesling's blog EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 9:10 am

Dan Gheesling's blog 199

Dan Gheesling's blog Redhawks-vs-salt-lake-081509-589

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Dr Will is looking like he needs some color BIGTIME! more so than from what I can remember! Still heart him!
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BB Lover
BB Lover

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Join date : 2008-09-17

Dan Gheesling's blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dan Gheesling's blog   Dan Gheesling's blog EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 4:06 pm

Wow. I get trying to protect your skin (and I realize he had skin cancer) but dang, he could at least get a spray tan. LOL
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