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Live Feeds - September 12, 2008 Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALLive Feeds - September 12, 2008 Bb12_l13
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 Live Feeds - September 12, 2008

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Posts : 4252
Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
Location : Chicago

Live Feeds - September 12, 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Live Feeds - September 12, 2008   Live Feeds - September 12, 2008 EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 6:06 pm

And they're up! Dan's in the restroom. Memphis has just come out of the Storage Room, gone into the kitchen and is now going back to the storage room...

Dan comes out of the restroom singing, "(something something) Close your eyes"

10:30am BBT
The boys are in very good spirits this morning, as one would expect.

Dan: I'm pretty psyched about Bocci Ball man.. You'll like it 'cause it's violent.
Memphis laughs.
Dan: We'll have to make some official Renegades Shirts...

For the moment, they are locked inside the house. Breakfast preparations are afoot.

10:32am BBT
Memphis: We can't forget these suckers when we leave here. I'll give em to kids or something. I'll be that crazy guy who gives kids candy.
Dan: I'd like to go through this house and count every thing you've broken.
Memphis: (laughs) I haven't broken that much stuff. Ya know what no one's broken that surprises me? No one's broken a plate or a glass.
Dan: That's cuz they're all plastic.

10:55am BBT
Memphis gets called in to the DR, and Dan decides to go up to the HoH landing so he can scare Memphis once he gets out...

11:00am BBT
Memphis comes out of the DR and BB completely blows Dan's surprise, calling him in to the DR next.

11:03am BBT
Kitchen area
Dan: What're we gonna do all day? Coupla guys in a house with no girls?

They still haven't had breakfast, but they're requesting Sushi from Big Brother, saying they'll deserve it after the jury grills them. Memphis has a friend at Katsuya. He gives BB his name and asks them to call him.

11:08am BBT
Dan: Here's a question for ya.. Which all American cereal box vixen do you prefer?
Memphis: That one..

They move on to reading the trivia off the cereal boxes. As mundane as it sounds, Dan and Memphis are a very entertaining final 2.

11:15am BBT
Dan & Memphis are playing a made up game based upon all the other HGs & their pics: Who would be on the cover of___?

11:20am BBT
The boys move on to talking about everyone's professions, and what they think would be good professions for some of the HGs. Dan thinks Michelle should teach Phys Ed. Memphis thinks Jessie should be a personal trainer.

They also wonder what the twist was, and return to speculating a bit about that. It's a recurring theme...

Dan: I told you about who April used to date, right?
Memphis: mm hmm.
Dan: (mimics April) I used to go over to Matt Leinhart's house all the time... I have pictures over there and everything... Quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals.

The continue talking about who they got along with.. Dan says he actually got along with her ok while she was in the house...

They move on to Keesha.

Dan: She's smart though. She asked herself the question, "Why would he keep me?"
Memphis: Yeah, but then she started thinking Michelle was right, and that you, me n Jerry had a plan from way back... You know she's gonna ask that.

11:31am BBT
Dan & Memphis mock Jerry a bit, imagining how he'll be in the jury house...
Dan: I bet there's something out there. Why else would they lock us out?

11:40am BBT
BB lets the boys outside. It's chilly and overcast.

They keep singing, "The sun'll come out..." Dan says it's like Michigan in the summer time.

They're looking forward to playing bocci ball and badminton.

Talk turns to the songs this morning and the boys settle on the couch. One was the theme song from that show with Corky, "Life Goes On." They also played them a Beatles tune. Dan sings a little of Strawberry Fields...

Dan: What would you do right now if Jerry was sitting here?
Memphis: I'd be so annoyed.


Big Brother gave Memphis and Dan a nice Bocci Ball set, as well as a badminton set. After Dan teaches Memphis how to play Boccie Ball, they begin. Memphis gets the swing of it very quickly.

12:35pm BBT
The boys move on to Badminton... Dan reads the tie dye instructions, but takes a pass on tie dye to play.

They are quite grateful for the diversions.
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