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Steven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!! Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALSteven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!! Bb12_l13
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 Steven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!!

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BB Lover
BB Lover

Posts : 429
Join date : 2008-09-10
Age : 38
Location : Brooklyn

Steven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!! Empty
PostSubject: Steven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!!   Steven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!! EmptySat Jul 04, 2009 12:16 am

This is why I idolize Steven from BB10...His opinions are strong but valid with good evidence...Take a look at his latest Myspace posting...


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Short Blob about BB11

This just a short blog, I only have a minute

I have to say I am not impressed with the houseguests. Hopefully they
will be more interesting in person then they are in their Bio's. Also
Robyn, I am so dissapointed that you brought back another sterotypical
Bitchy Fag, I really thought BB had moved past that, I think everyone
is really, really over that character!

Mystery Houseguest,LOL... Recycled theme means Recycled Housguest, how boring is that!! And by the way, why is it that my friends such as Jessica BB8, SheilaBB9 and Brian BB10 have mysteriously dissappeared??? If you guys read
this contact me I am worried, it is as if you have taken somewhere that
has no communication with the outside world????

I was hoping BB would make it long enough to have an another All Stars that I could possibly try out for, but with this lack of originality and bringing
back those same boring personality types, this will surely be the last
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Steven Expresses his true feeling about the BB11 Cast!!!
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