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BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo! Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALBB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo! Bb12_l13
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 BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo!

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BB Lover
BB Lover

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BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo! Empty
PostSubject: BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo!   BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo! EmptyFri May 29, 2009 1:23 pm

BB2 Hardy who was Dr. Wills biggest competition in that season is on a new show called Miami Social. Here is his bio from the shows page on bravo.

Cast, Miami Social

BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo! PKTMP000_0

Hardy is the man to know in Miami. He is the President and CEO of Hill Hospitality Group, and is the host of the hottest weekly parties at the chicest clubs, restaurants and hotels in South Beach. His job keeps him at the forefront of the wild Miami nightlife, where work and play are sometimes blurred. Described as "opinionated and strong-willed," he strives to balance his career and the pressures of the nightlife with the thought of settling down with the right woman

Here is a link if you are interested in the show
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BB2 Hardy Starring in new show on Bravo!
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