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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALSay it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Bb12_l13
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 Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!

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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptySun May 24, 2009 3:07 am

From: Crackin Up! with Gretch…
Date: May 23, 2009 1:21 PM
Subject: House Calls Canceled!
Body: Just wanted everyone to know, there's no more House Calls! They couldn't find a sponsor and have decided not to go forward with it during this season of Big Brother.

Sorry to all our fans - I'll miss you!

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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptySun May 24, 2009 11:33 am

wow...that sucks. No housecalls, no wrap party....could the cancellation of BB be far behind?????? no2
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BB Lover
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptySun May 24, 2009 7:19 pm

Yea Lorraine I dont understand how they can continue to do Survivor, which is totally more expensive and have no cutbacks and do cutbacks on Big Brother.
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptySun May 24, 2009 9:22 pm

I never got a chance to watch house calls and Is it true that there will be no wrap party.
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptySun May 24, 2009 9:55 pm

Thats the word on the street BBNightStar! Apparently CBS says its not in the budget. That is according to Janelle and Evel Dick as two sources reporting no wrap party. Seems to me that this could be the beginning of the end for Big Brother. sad1 Hopefully I am very wrong!
Welcome to the board BB!!!! welcome all
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 9:58 am

over react

Gretchen sucks on Housecalls and it's not like you learned anything good on it about the show, and on a completely brighter note - No more Dickhead!!!!!
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 10:36 am

I'd rather have housecalls back. sad1
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 10:41 am

Lorraine wrote:
I'd rather have housecalls back. sad1

Did you ever even watch Housecalls? lol
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 10:45 am're killing me this morning. NOPE never watched it....what is it anyway???
Your comment about no more Evel Dick could really backfire. Word on the street is that he is looking to have a housecalls like show on Real Player....we'll see.
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 10:51 am

In reference to my comment about Evel Dick looking to have his own "housecalls" type show.

Big Brother 11: Toodles, 'House Calls'--The Online Chat Show Gets the Boot
Is it goodbye to House Calls? Yeah, I'll admit, I don't really watch the daily online chat show that keeps track of whatever's happening in whatever season of Big Brother there is--there's just the problem with time, I'll admit--but I know many go to watch all that speculation and all those revelations thrown at each other, with Gretchen Massey holding the fort and much more.

Now, Massey revealed in her MySpace blog that the online show, which streamed on the CBS website every weekday afternoon the show is on air, has been cancelled. "They couldn't find a sponsor and have decided not to go forward with it during this season of Big Brother," she explained. "Sorry to all our fans. I'll miss you!"

Now that's said, there are some rumors about the future of the show. Season 8 winner Dick Donato, who also had a successful co-hosting run on the last two seasons of House Calls, is reportedly looking for a sponsor of his own, so he can set up a similar show that will air on the online RealNetworks premium streams. Two other groups are also reportedly looking to setting up a House Calls-like series that won't require potential viewers to apply (and pay) for those streams.

And then, I'm throwing in the possibility that House Calls will only be gone for this season, provided that the folks at CBS Interactive get their hands on a sponsor in time for a twelfth season, if it happens. Nevertheless, the economy finally gets in the way, and while some will miss all that grappling, well... I guess we can all still tune in to Big Brother when it finally premieres in roughly seven weeks. And then we can do all that grappling and arguing, although without access to whoever gets the boot...[b]
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 11:02 am

lol Evel Dick has claimed to have MANY shows in the works in the past. Didn't he have a few episodes on Real Player last year that bombed! I didn't watch but maybe 1 show and even that I saw maybe 10mins of ... I just couldn't take it or shall I say I couldn't take him. I believe in Evel Dick's mind he creates a lot of this will make me famous scenarios and quite frankly he needs to let go of the faux 15mins. nobody really cares and if they do scared2
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 11:08 am

yeah, I have to believe that this is not going to happen. Just for the simple fact that not everyone subscribes to real player. Housecalls was free and on the internet. On the BRIGHTER side (cant believe you missed this E) Big Sheil will be without a job.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I hope she has to go on foodstamps.
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 11:15 am

I'm sure that book she kept talking about will get her on the best seller's list, perhaps it'll even be apart of Oprah's book club! sarcasm
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Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!!   Say it aint so Housecalls is canceled!!! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 11:20 am

Erika wrote:
I'm sure that book she kept talking about will get her on the best seller's list, perhaps it'll even be apart of Oprah's book club! sarcasm

well if losing her job on Housecalls doesnt get her on foodstamps, the release of her book will so excited
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