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Crazy James should stay in Paris Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALCrazy James should stay in Paris Bb12_l13
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 Crazy James should stay in Paris

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Posts : 4575
Join date : 2008-09-06

Crazy James should stay in Paris Empty
PostSubject: Crazy James should stay in Paris   Crazy James should stay in Paris EmptySat Oct 04, 2008 3:09 pm

I can't help it, I continue to read the BS that spews from this freaks mouth and I get angry every time. Everything is wonderful until you disagree with him and call him out on his bullshit. Here is a comment that someone left in response to his asking for money to fund his trip to Paris and then here is his response....what a guy!

I don't have the money to buy groceries right now and don't even want to think about how I'm going to manage the rent, and yet I wouldn't dream of asking anyone - let alone total strangers - to feed my family or help with my rent. That's just wrong on so many levels.

Posted by Pam (Loyal Moon) on Sep 24, 2008 12:24 PM
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Crazy James Is Living In Paris Bitches!

YOur sadly stuck in your situation. Paris is wonderful.

Posted by Crazy James Is Living In Paris Bitches! on Sep 24, 2008 7:43 PM
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So he knows that this woman is not going to be donating to his cause anytime soon so why be sympathetic to her situation. No way, lets rub it in her face that he is living the "high" life in Paris while this person struggles daily to put food on the table. I have had enough of this poser.

Here is another tidbit that he sent out to his "ATM Machines" in regards to France which he titled "France #1"

"I love that they look down upon Americans, fuck I would to."

Do us all a favor and stay in Paris James. How long does everyone think it is until there are bulletins out that say "help bring Crazy James back to the USA"....quite suck puke

sorry to all the CJ fans but I have had enough.
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