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 Exit Interview with Donny Thompson

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Exit Interview with Donny Thompson Empty
PostSubject: Exit Interview with Donny Thompson   Exit Interview with Donny Thompson EmptyFri Aug 29, 2014 7:15 pm

Exit Interview with Donny Thompson Donnyt10

Our interview with the latest evicted houseguest, fan favorite Donny Thompson.

Prior to the live show, it looked as though you could possibly have the votes to stay.  What do you think went wrong?  Did you know you were being evicted or were you surprised?  

Donny:  Right before the live show, Caleb told me that Frankie wasn’t going to give it to me, so I knew I was getting voted out.

Were you surprised America didn't vote to reward Team America in the mission you agreed upon, and why do you think America didn't reward Team America?

Donny:  I kind of predicted that Frankie would want to do a play, so I just laughed when he first brought it up. I think America would have liked my mission to keep all three Team America members safe and we might have all gotten the $5,000.

Do you feel as though both members of Team America had your back this week in wanting to keep you? if not, why not....

Donny:  No, definitely not. They did not trust me, I guess

You had told Julie that the reason why you didn't stay up late with the other houseguests is because you didn't have a lot in common.  In retrospect how much do you feel this hurt your game?

Donny:  In hindsight, I would not have stayed up with these people. I don’t know how that would have been relevant hanging out with other houseguests. My lord, is 18 hours not enough!

Who do you think is running the house and what did you to try and target them?

Donny:  I think the other members of Team America is running the house and that is why I didn’t try to target them.

If you stayed and won HOH, who would you have tried to work with and who would be the 2 you would want to put up?  Also who was your target?

Donny:  I would have liked to work with Nicole, Cody or Caleb, and I would have targeted the leaders of the big alliance.

Who would you have liked to be sitting next to you if you were in the Final 2? and would you choose someone who you could definitely have seen yourself winning against or would you have chosen this person because you would have liked to have seen them win some money too at the risk of possibly losing against them?

Donny:  I would want to win to the best, or lose to the best player left in the house.

What do you think about The Bold & The Beautiful wanting to have you on their show?

Donny:  I am flattered and honored that they would choose someone like me to be on it. I wanted to be likable when I got out of the house, so to have another show wanting me to be a guest, it made me feel great.

Who would you like to see following you next to the jury house? And why do you hope makes it far in the game?

Donny:  I wouldn’t mind seeing Derrick or Christine in the jury house next. I would like Nicole to go as far as possible, but of course she is outnumbered. If she joins me in the jury house, I will be going for Cody or Caleb because they are good-hearted people.

Can you give me 1 word to describe the remaining houseguests:

Derrick - untrustworthy

Frankie – self-centered

Cody - handsome

Caleb - entertaining

Christine – nemesis

Victoria - clueless

Nicole - Cute

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