In case anyone is looking for our interviews (lol) let me explain. In week one we had a time slot to interview Joey. We waited and waited and never got the call from CBS. Erika got an email stating that they could not "locate" Joey. They also said in 16 seasons that this was the first time they couldnt find an evicted HG for the media interviews. WTG Joey
A little bit later CBS emailed Erika again and said they were able to contact her and did we still want to interview her. Our reply? Nope, we're good. We were the second scheduled interview of the day. EW was the first I believe. Dalton Ross tweeted out that he got stood up by her as well. No loss in my opinion.
Last week for the Pow Pow interview, neither one of us was available for personal reasons and we had to cancel our interview.
It is our intention though to interview the evicted HG this Friday. I hope its not Devin!! lol