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Big Brother 16
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 BB15 McCrae

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Posts : 4252
Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
Location : Chicago

BB15 McCrae Empty
PostSubject: BB15 McCrae   BB15 McCrae EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 6:37 pm

BB15 McCrae Mcraecastphoto

Name: McCrae Olson
Age: 23
Hometown: Oak Grove, Minn.
Occupation: Pizza Delivery Boy
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you: Funny, observant and calculating.
Favorite Activities: I love playing ice-hockey out on the ponds. I also love reading comics and playing video games. Typical boy stuff.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Just having my own privacy. It’s going to be tough having cameras on you 24/7 and trying to find a little peace in there.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” My strategy is to play like James from Big Brother 6. Play smart when you need to, play physical when you need to and lay low.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? My favorite player is of course Will Kirby. The way that man played the game is like watching the most beautiful ballet ever. It just seems like his mind was built for this game. There is something so beautiful about it.
What are you afraid of? Mice and ventriloquist dummies.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Right now I am working on this cartoon that I created and wrote. I am so proud of it.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is…Don’t take life too seriously…have a little fun with it.
What would you take into the house and why? A book, pen and paper. A book because I love reading and it’s going to be tough not reading anything in the house, and pen/paper because then I could write scripts, skits and draw to entertain myself.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous? I would use that fame to tell better stories through the video medium.
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