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America's Favorite Houseguest Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALAmerica's Favorite Houseguest Bb12_l13
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 America's Favorite Houseguest

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Mike Boogie
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America's Favorite Houseguest Empty
PostSubject: America's Favorite Houseguest   America's Favorite Houseguest EmptyFri Sep 14, 2012 12:24 pm

America's Favorite Houseguest Favhg10
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America's Favorite Houseguest Empty
PostSubject: Re: America's Favorite Houseguest   America's Favorite Houseguest EmptyFri Sep 14, 2012 12:30 pm

I hope Ian wins this if he doesnt make the final 2. Please not Janelle again...I know she is alot of ppl's fav but give someone else a shot.
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America's Favorite Houseguest Empty
PostSubject: Re: America's Favorite Houseguest   America's Favorite Houseguest EmptyFri Sep 14, 2012 12:33 pm

I am leaning towards Ian myself. I think at this point he does have the best shot although some crazy group of people are going to vote for Janelle till their fingers bleed so dont be surprised if she gets Quite frankly, I dont think she is deserving of this prize this year as her gameplay was suspect at best. Some are even campaigning for Jodi which I would so love it she would win it (she wont) as that would be a great message to send to AG.  wink

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America's Favorite Houseguest Empty
PostSubject: Re: America's Favorite Houseguest   America's Favorite Houseguest EmptyFri Sep 14, 2012 1:49 pm

Jodi winning would the funniest thing ever; that would be the biggest blindside of the season. I want Dan or Ian to win base on which ever one doesn't make final 2.
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PostSubject: Re: America's Favorite Houseguest   America's Favorite Houseguest EmptyFri Sep 14, 2012 3:10 pm

I am not leaning towards anyone yet, but I do wonder if Shane will get some votes based on the blindsided eviction? I am going to wait until part 2 of HOH is finished to find out the winner and vote on someone at that time.
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PostSubject: Re: America's Favorite Houseguest   America's Favorite Houseguest Empty

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